Unforgivable//AJ Mitchell/ Anthony Trujillo

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A/N I don't think I'll be doing POVS anymore. I might, it just won't be often.

I hated my life
And she just had to be there.

My best friend was AJ. He was one of the people in team 10 who could really understand me. Along with him was Erika and Tessa. They were with me through the best and worst things in my life. They only problem was I had started developing feelings for him just last summer. He doesn't know it though. His girlfriend Megan though DESPISED me. She would kick me, hit me, and try to hurt me when AJ's not around, but when he is around, she asks like the perfect little angel, complementing me like we had no problem. Ugh.
One of my best friends that was a guy was Tony. We were pretty close. But one day he acted all weird. He suddenly stopped talking to me.

I woke up and got ready as usual. I went downstairs to make some waffles for breakfast. After I finished and washed my plate, the door opened. AJ and Megan were here. I walked up to them and greeted them. "Hey y/n!" AJ says hugging me. "Hey." I say. "Hi Megan, it's nice to see you again." I say trying to be as nice as I could. "Hey y/n!! I'm very excited to see you today!" Megan says hugging me with a fake smile. AJ's phone started ringing. "Guys I'm going to take this call, I'll just be outside." AJ says. Once he left Megan pushes me back. "You better stay away from him you little slut." She says then pinning me to the wall. Everyone was in the office or upstairs not knowing what was happening. "I'm not doing anything to him but being his supportive best friend!" Replying to her. "It's not my fault that your boyfriend happens to be my best friend!" I say. She then starts to choke me. "Listen here, if you don't stay away, I'm going to KILL you!" Megan says. "TONY, HELP" I say. I then see him and Jake run down the stairs. Jake grabs Megan and pulls her away from me. Tony helps me as I was trying to regain my breath. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE" Jake yells at Megan. She walks outside crying like she was the victim. I then run in the bathroom. Someone knocks on the door. "Y/n it's AJ, what happened? What did you do?!" AJ says. "I didn't do anything, SHE did." I say. "Wha?" He says. "SHE. TRIED. TO. KILL. ME!" I say yelling as loud as I can. "No she wouldn't. Your just saying that because you're JEALOUS." He says. "WHAT? YOU CAN EVEN ASK TONY!" I say. "YOU'RE JUST SAYING THAT BECAUSE TONY LIKES YOU." He says. What? Tony likes me? All thoughts started rushing in my head. He then left with Megan. I am so glad they left. Tony then runs up to me. "You like me??" I say. "Yea I always have. You probably might not feel the sa-." He says but before I finished I smashed my lips onto his. "FINALLY! #Y/S/N (your ship name) IS REAL!!!!!" Jake says excitingly. We all laughed.

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