Positive//The Trio

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I sat there in the bathroom. Not knowing what to do. I was pregnant. But the problem was, I don't know who the father is. It's either Jake, Chance, or Anthony.

"Y/n???!!!" I hear Nick say knocking the door vigorously.

"What" I say trying to hold my tears back.

"Is anything wrong? You've been in there the past 45 minutes." I then hear Megan say.

"Uhh...nothing I'm fine, just some really bad cramps. I quickly hid the test and get out of the bathroom.

I decided to go to the park for some fresh air.

Once I get to the park, I sit down on a bench. Just thinking about what I was going to do. I didn't realize it was 11 at night once my phone started blowing off. I look and see that I have over 500 missed called and texts from the team. I then go to my car and go back home.

I finally arrived home. I fight my tears as I enter the door.

"Oh my god y/n! Don't ever leave without telling anyone again!" Jake says.

"We were all worried!" Anthony says. By now a tear manages to escape.

"Is everything all right?" Chance says.

"Um can you get Megan and Nick for me?" I ask as I look away. Jake then turns and shouts for them.

"Y/n oh my god!" Nick says as he and Megan start hugging me.

"I need to talk to you guys.." I say and go into the office locking it after all of us were inside.

"What do you need to talk about?" Megan asks.

"I-I'm p-pregnant" I say as I cry. They both looked shocked.

"Who's the father!" Nick says in disbelief.

"I-I don't know" I say. "It's either Jake, Chance, or Anthony" I cry as they comfort me.

"You have to tell them y/n" Megan says as I start to calm down a bit. I nod my head and they both go out and get the 3 of them.

"Hey y/n what's wrong?" Jake asks as the 3 of them sit down.

"There's no easy way saying this but" I say as I try to keep my cool.

"But what?" Chance says.

"But..I'm pregnant..and one of you is the father.." I say as tears escape.

"Omg" They all day to themselves.

"How is that even possible???" Anthony says.

"Well. One of you guys' condom broke!" I say.

"Well whatever happens, we'll be here for you" Jake says. We all have a group hug.

I'm lucky to have them all in my life

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