Pregnant P1//Jake Paul

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I haven't been feeling good at all today. The whole morning, I've been barfing my head out. My back was in pain. Erika, my sister was there holding my hair up.

"Y/n, this has been happening for a week now. You don't think you're.." Erika says.

"Can you go to the store and get 2 boxes of pregnancy tests please?" I ask. She nods her head. If it was positive, I don't know what I'm going to do. Jake, my boyfriend says he doesn't want kids right now. But I didn't want to abort it. Tears start spilling as I have no idea what to do.

Erika's POV
I woke up to hear y/n throwing up in the bathroom. It was happening like the fifth time this week. I'm then starting to think she's pregnant. I go inside the bathroom and hold her hair up.

"Y/n, this is happening for a week now. You don't think you're..." I ask. I would be really happy if she is but sad not knowing what would happen between her and Jake.

"Can you go to the store and get 2 boxes of pregnancy tests please." She asks. I nod my head, get dressed and head out to the pharmacy not telling anyone that I'm going there. Once I get there I buy 2 tests. I also buy some candy so hopefully no one would see the tests. I then go back to my car and start heading back.

"Here" Erika says giving me the two tests. I immediately go in the bathroom and pee on the sticks. I waited 5 minutes for it to be completely done. I then go in the bathroom and check it.


I start crying as soon as I see it.

"Y/n are you okay" Erika asks coming in. She then sees the tests.

"It's going to be okay" she says comforting me. Just then we hear a knock on the door.

"I'll get it"

"Y/n can we please talk?" I hear Jake say. I wipe my tears so it won't look like I'm crying.

"Yea..I'm coming" I say. We then go into his room to talk.

"Why are you crying?" He asks me with a concern face.

"Oh nothing..just some really bad cramps" I say.

"Oh well I have something to tell you..." he says to me. I could tell it was serious.

"I'm cheating on you.." he says. Tears start spilling down my face.

"I can't believe you. There's no way I'm raising this child with you." I go downstairs, get in my car and leave without telling anyone. I decided to go to one of my very good friend, Lele's apartment. I knock on her door and see a very happy Lele.

"oh my Gosh! Y/n what's wrong?" She asks very concerned.

"Jake cheated on me...and I'm pregnant" I say sobbing. She said nothing but hugged me tightly.

"Is it okay if I can crash for the night? I'm going back to Michigan tomorrow or the next day" I ask.

"Of course. You're welcome to stay anytime" she says hugging me again. After i decided to text Erika.

Y/n🐳💓: hey rik, just letting you know I'm at Lele's house and I'm going back home in Michigan tomorrow. And please don't tell anyone.

Erika💅🏻🙌🏼: what! Y/n please don't leave!

Y/n🐳💓: don't worry I won't stay there for long. Only long enough to clear my mind.

Erika💅🏻🙌🏼: okay but you better come back. I'll miss you y/nbean.

Y/n🐳💓: I'll miss you too rik.

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