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Kate Pov

I wake up in the morning realizing that I am late for my flight i need to grab and go. Luckily all I have left here in Ohio is my phone my charger and my carry on bag that has essentials such as my only make up, mascara and lip gloss with chap stick. I rush out to my uber, a old 69' ford truck. When I get to the airport I run to where I am supposed to check in and get my bags scanned super quick. Once I am through security I run to my boarding area and make onto my plane just in time. I text my brother Logan to come and get me, yes I know Logan and Jake Paul my brothers I am so lucky! Wrong!! They are super loud and annoying they also are guys so it doesn't help the matter. But either way I am happy to finally leave Ohio and move to L.A. Once I land at LAX I text my brother again he says he says to look up so I do. Then I see him, I am so excited that I drop my bag and run to him and tackle him to the ground. We sit there and laugh and then we get up and walk to his plum purple car and get in. We talk about life in different states and crack jokes till we get to the house. Once we get there maverick come up to me and lands on my shoulder. And we find a visitor, Mark!! I scream and jump into his arms and he screams "Katie Bug!!" I slug him in the arm and tell him he is lucky that I care enough him or he would be off the balcony. I walk over and go sit on the couch when Evan walks out of his room and runs at me. I put out my hand and stop him before he can hit me. I am tall compared to him but short compared to Logan for I am only 5'2 that is short for being a fifteen year old. I tell Logan that I want my stuff and my room so he leads me to my room and says to decorate it how I want so decide on fairy lights and a bunch of poster of the Why don't We boys. I have multiple of all of them but I have more of Jack than all of them. It is late when we got back so I tell Logan I am going to bed. He replies with a simple he a maverick and dream big. I laugh and go to the shower I take my time letting the warm water wash over my body and let the conditioner sink into my hair. I wash my face and brush my teeth and hair when I get out. I slide in to a pair of under solid black underwear and Sports bra. And I sleep like a baby.

I wake up at about ten and sluggishly get out of bed and go to the kitchen and make some cereal not even caring that I am not dressed I sit down when Logan stops in front of me and tells me to turn around. I don't question him do as I am told only to see The why don't we boys looking at me with their jaws dropped. I scream and run to my room and pull on my jeggings and my maverick tank top, and put on my make up and brush my hair. And run back out of the room and stand in front of my idols and giggle. Logans laughs and asks why I look so happy that they saw me half nude. But I just laugh and run around the room like a lunatic. Then I stop in front a jack and scream noodles and then start running around the room again. Then something must of clicked in his brain and said "Oh yea!! She is obsessed with you guys! That would explain her lunatic behavior!!" I realize I must look like a dork but I don't care I just do the first thing that comes to mind and run to Jack.

Jack Pov

When I get to logans we sit on the couch and then about ten Logan gets up and goes to his room for a moment. Then a small girl walks out in nothing but her bra and pantries and gets her breakfast. She doesn't seem to realize us so I just stare. She has got mid length blonde hair and dark blue eyes, she has an athletes body but she is also small and petite. She is clearly strong I can see it in her arms and legs. Then Logan walks out of his room and notices us and her. He looks at her and tells her to turn around. She doesn't seem to have an issue and does what she is told only to see us. She bounces up from her chair and runs out of the room. Her butt jiggled when she ran, she has a nice butt I will admit. Logan turns at us angry looking and says

" Stay away from her and shut your Damn mouths!!" All of us look at each other blush and nod our heads viscously. Then she come up in tight pants that her ass sees to big for, And also a maverick shirt, she also brushed her hair and did her eye makeup as well as put on some lipgloss. Then she runs around the room and laughs and giggles I must say it is the cutest thing I have ever heard. She is so herself in front of us that it is if she already knows everything about us. Then she runs up to me and slightly screams noodles. I am to nervous to say anything I just blush and laugh. Then something clicks inside logans brain and he say that she is obsessed with us. So I guess that explains why she would call me noodles when I don't even know her or her name. But she is bold and I like that than she turns to me and runs toward me. She stops and then runs back to her room like she is about to have a panic attack.

So this is my first chapter of this story so if you like it please comment and vote it would mean a lot to see people read my stories. So if I upload a lot in the next few days it is because I have free wifi. At my house my parents cut me off so I am typing this on another writing platform I enjoy reading and writing so if you have any ideas you can comment them down below. And here is my shameless plug for my instagram @im_iyana_rose if you would like to follow thanks if not that is your choice. I don't use DM on instagram so if you want to contact me use the chat to my account!! Love you guys ❤️ 

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