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Jack Pov

I wake up and I hear morning coming from the other room. I can't help but wonder if Christiania is home, or if the other boys end up with a girl. I walk down the stairs in a thats muh Boi hoodie and a black pair of joggers. I don't see any of the boys so I go over to the kitchen. I expect to see Katlyn on the counter like normal but nothing. I find that strange so I go and sit on the couch and try to listen to music but then I realize the moans and who they belong too.

Katlyn Pov

Me, Jonah, Daniel and Zach were awake and I so when I went downstairs instead of just Zach I decided I can use the other boys as well. I told them the plan. We go upstairs and go to their room and have a sex prank. Corbyn decided too not be part so he decided to go and sit on the roof. I went into the room with the boys we decided that the boys were going to get down in there boxers and I was to get in my bra and panties. Once my clothes are off I saw Jonah and Daniel in the separate corners, they both dropped there jaws. "Shut your traps before I shut them for you!" Daniel smirks, jonah listens. "Only if you give Daddy a Kiss." He says. Jonah looks at Daniel and Zach goes and sits on the bed not trying to be part of it. I sigh and go over and kiss him. I know it is bad but I know Jonah would be angry so I go over and kiss him to, and just for fun I kiss Zach. "Let's forget that happen and get all the blankets on the floor so we can start the prank." They listen and grab the blankets from the beds and but them down the also grab pillows. Jonahs surprisingly goes over to his dresser and throws some condoms around and pulls a few open. He hand one to each of the boys and when the other aren't looking he winks towards me. I just blow it off and get under the covers. Jonah gets in on my left, Daniel to my right. "Guys I am not going to do this I will just go sit with bean on the roof. See you!" Zach says and grabs a pair sweats and leaves the room. After he leaves we give him a few minutes to leave. Then Daniel leans over and starts to kiss my neck, I moan but on accident. Jonah seems turned on and he grabs onto my thigh and he starts to kiss my head, then he reached his hands into my underwear. I don't stop him for he is doing it all right. I moan load when he enters. Him and Daniel actually put on the condoms. The must have decided to share because they shared me perfectly. I forget the plan and lose my bra. Jonah grabs onto one side Daniel the other Jonah pulls out and Daniel enters. His monster felt so good but hurt I was crying but it felt so good. Him Jonah share me for another fifteen minutes.

Jack Pov

I hear Katlyn scream but I don't think it is hear she sounds a lot lie, Christina. I wait ten more minutes but I hear Daniel and Jonah, then I hear Jonah "fuck Katlyn your so tight." I hear this and my heart brakes I haven't even had sex with her. I run up the stairs and open the door. Him and Daniel have her, I scream and and jump on Jonah for he is the one in her. I beat the living shit out of him. He eventually is off the floor and gets to the bathroom with a bunch of clothes. While he is doing this I start to cry and kick Daniel out of the room. I go over to Katlyn and I look at her. She is crying, I don't know the story but the only place I can go is away I run out the house and up to the roof. Zach and Corbs are their I fall into a heap of tears and scream. Zach and Corbyn come to me aid and try to comfort me but I feel far from better.

Jonah Pov

I couldn't help myself she said not to do anything but I couldn't help it now I screwed up. After jack leaves I go out into the room this time my clothes are on. I see Kate in a corner crying. She is in the clothes she took off. I feel bad so I try to stop her from crying. I get close but she screams at me to stay away. "Jonah!! You just ruined my j never had sex with someone and I told you no and now jack is gone and I can't do anything. I know you and Daniel like me but I can't do this. Stay away!!"

Daniel Pov

What have I done. I just screwed up big time and I can take it back. Maybe I should leave.

Katlyn Pov

I go up to the roof. I see jack and the boys. I run over to him but he pushes me away. "Jack, I didn't mean for this to happen ask Zach he knows the plan it was all a prank. Jonah and Daniel screwed it up, I am so sorry. I get it if you don't want me I am leaving I am going to logans or jakes. Sorry jack!" I get off the roof and run down the street and the. Logan meets me where I am at. He tries to get me to answer his questions but I don't respond.

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