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Katlyn Pov

After I get my smoothies and text the boys I go and get sleep. When I wake I go out with Jake, Tessa, Nick and the Martinez twins. We talk for awhile and me a Jake do some catching up. Then me and Nick hang out for we have never met before. When all of the sudden my phone goes off and I get a text from Logan demanding me home. So I tell them sorry and that they can keep the pizza.

Once I get home Logan gives me a talk about responsibility and all that bull crap. Then all of a sudden he says that if I decide to do anything with the boys they need a condom. He said that if it happens they are in his top dresser drawer. I laugh and turn red, I say okay and goodnight and go to bed. It is about midnight.

When I wake in the morning I get up and go to the gym after eating a protein bar. I do my everyday workout routine then go for a 3 mile run. When I get to some shady part of town I turn around and go back from the way I came, when out of no where I run into Jake. He looks at me and says to go home for this is a bad side of town so I do.

After working out and showering I text the boys and see if I can come over. They said yes but under one condition you tell us who you like. So I say be there soon and get a uber. So I decide to get dressed into this and leave.

Once I get there the boys manager tells me they are in the backyard. I go there, to find a surprise.

Sorry guys it is super short. I am writing this late at night. I am leaving in the morning for a trip to Wisconsin dells. I am excited but you guys won't see this till sometime after I am writing. I hope you guys enjoy my story and will comment and vote. If you want you can follow me on instagram @im_iyana_rose. I don't use the DM on instagram so if you want to contact me use the thing on here. Thanks guys for reading and I will choose the winner of the character contest. All you need to do is tell me your age, height, weight, name, sex and other descriptive details like hair and eye color and I will try to make a spot for you in the story!! Love you guys ❤️

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