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Jacks Pov

"She said she loves Jonah, and that Jack will always be there but not the way Jonah  will, then she passed out." The nurse said. I am can't believe she loves Jonah more then me. I can't do this I walk out of the room but before I could leave I hear the thundering loud beep that doesn't stop. The doctors run in and kick all of us out. They shock her and shocker again her heart doesn't start. I try to get in there but Daniel is holdin me back. Jonah is crying and all the others are in shock. The doctors come out. "I am sorry but Katlyn is dead." Then I run into the room and shove the doctors off. I hug her body close to mine and kiss her dead lifeless lips and leave the hospital but first I punch Jonah.  

Jonah Pov 

She loves me but she is dead. What am I supposed to do. I see jack run into the room and kiss her I let it go but then he comes out and punches me.  He probably blames me for not stopping her from leaving the house I honestly blame myself. Just as jack is out the doors fantasy comes in. Logan must have called her because I didn't. Zach sees her and runs into her arms and says she is dead fantasy breaks down in his arms she pulls him to the ground with her. He sits cross cross and she lays her head into his lap. She cry screams and Zach  just strokes her hair being there for her. I wish I was with Katlyn...

Katlyn Pov

I leave in the purple car... 

A/N keep reading the story isn't over yet. I love you all and sorry I did this to you.

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