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Katlyn Pov

I look out the window of the room jefree put me in... why do am I so alone when so I am surrounded by people... i get up and leave the room and head to find jefree, I walk down the hall and find him on the couch...

Logan Pov

Where is she!? What if something bad happened to her!? Why did she run away!? Where is jack!? What is with Jonah!? What is going on!? Ugh my head hurts I need to find katlyn figure out who the hell this other girl is and find out how they got my car.. this is fucked up in so many ways how am I supposed to function... ugh my migraine is killing me!! F*** ugh!! I call the local police and they don't know anything. I call the news and they are going to do a story on it tonight but they need me to come in so I can ask her to come home or some bull shit but either way it will get done as long as it helps my sister get home safe. I call an Uber to the News station. I sit there and wait and while waiting Jonah calls me...

Jonah Pov

I head back to the house after everything I need a nap and some food, once I get home I go to the fridge but before I can get there I hear a bath running, I am confused the doer was locked and the car isn't here. I go to check it out, Daniels and jacks room is open so I walk in I look into the bathroom and the sight I see I can't unsee.. I run...

Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now