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Jack Pov

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Jack Pov

They rush her into the hospital and send me to the waiting room. I sit their for fifteen minutes then the boys come in and sit with me. It is about another hour when a doctor comes out and calls for Katlyn Paul. We all stand and they are wowed by how many of us are here for her. She asks for family and of boyfriend. Me, Jake and Logan get up and follow her. Into katelyns room. Once we get in there we see her connected to ivs and a heart monitor. I look at the doctor "how bad is it!?" I ask. She looks at me "She most definitely was raped, she has also been carved. That is why her breasts were cut and it looks like who ever took her pulled her hair and when they did that her hair came out and pulled at her scalp. She has been put in a coma for she has a really bad concussion that could kill her. Who ever knocked her out was strong. If you need anything press this button." She said pointing at the remote. Everything in my world was spinning. I run over to her bed and stroke her face before kissing her lips. I look at the boys and grab a chair. I pull my chair next to her bed and lie there.

Katlyn Pov

I feel a constant pain all over my body but I still don't feel anything. I have a sense of time but all I know is that it has been a week. I see jack all the time but I can't move. I try my hardest to move but I can't.

It has been two weeks and I finally don't feel pain. I hear jack saying that the two scum bags that took me are in jail. I feel some control.

Zach Pov

It has been two weeks and she hasn't moved. I miss her so much looking at her lifeless hurts me. I hate missing her but I can't help it. I should probably talk to someone, maybe Corbyn because everyone else likes her.

Jack Pov

It has been two weeks since she was raped. I haven't moved in two weeks the boys bring me food but I don't eat. I stare at her, I wish I could help her. I found out the two scum bags that raped are in jail. Katlyn has been twitching so we know she is not brain dead.

Two in the morning fifteen days after she was attacked

Katlyn moans and then her eyes flicked open she looks at me. She says my name for the first time in weeks. She lurches forward and so do I. Our lips smash together for a longtime I have been craving them, i have kissed them but she never responded.

Katlyn Pov

I gain control of my body. I open my eyes and I see jack! I lean forward and go for his lips. I have missed them so much. We kiss until I can't breathe. Then he calls in all the boys.

Short, sucky but sweet. I miss their romance. I am excited because in the next few chapters drama and romance and band stuff will be going down love you all!! ❤️ chapters question. Fall or spring?? I am a fall person I love Halloween and thanksgiving also my birthday is in the fall.

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