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Katlyn Pov

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Katlyn Pov

Once all the boys come into the room I start crying. All of the boys look sick and like they haven't eaten. I notice that Daniel is crying too. I have Daniel come to me first, I hug him and kiss his cheek. I whisper "I love you." I make sure he is the only one to hear me. I smiled and whispers it back. Then Jonah comes up to me next. He hugs me and kisses my nose. I blush and he laughs. Zach comes to me next he looks the worst out of all of them. He is missing some of his nails, they have been chewed raw. He looks pale and his rosy cheeks are gone. I also notice there I blood on his clothes. I don't know how to react other than to cry into his arms. He cries with me I kiss him after awhile and he hugs me one more. Corbyn comes up to me and hugs me and says that he misses me. Then All the boys look at me and leave. I ask jack before he leaves if Jake and Logan are here he nods and leaves. When he walks out they all walk in. I see a small figure between Jake and the wall. Then I see her she has brown hair that is but to her chin. I scream "Fantasy!" She looks at me and then runs to me. I Hug her and kiss her face. We laugh and cry together. I haven't seen her since I left Ohio I think it has been a month. She crawls into bed with me and lays there. Next Jake and Logan come and give me hugs and crack jokes.

I am soon released from the hospital. Jake and Logan say I can stay at the boys and take fantasy or go home with them I hang with fantasy there. I decide to go to the boys house. I introduce them to fantasy but they already know each other. I laugh and we leave.

When we get to the house I go upstairs to jacks room and go into his bathroom. I just now see my face. My hair has been brushed but my face is bruised on my lil and cheeks. I also find a hickey. The I realize that I have bruises in between my thighs. I scream, jack comes running and I fall to the floor. I cry forever "why is there bruises inside by thighs!?" Jack looks shocked then he explains that I was raped while I was unconscious. I fall onto him and cry. He picks me up and sets me on his bed. I cry into his shoulder until my eyes have been run dry. I eventually stop crying and get ask if jack can bring me downstairs. He agrees and picks me up off his bed. I must be lighter because I lifts me up like I way nothing. Once we make it into the living room I smile. I see all of the boys doing what they normally do on a day like this, Daniel playing piano, Zach being Zach. Corbyn is talking to his girlfriend, and Jonah is outside doing him. I find fantasy and she is hanging with Zach. I laugh and she blushes immediately.

We all do our own things for awhile. Then I suggest a movie. We watch a scary movie again. We all sit on the couch, Fantasy and Zach sit on one chair. Jonah and Corbyn on the other couch and me and jack on the other end. I lose interest half way through when a lady gets kidnapped. I look up at jack and he seemed to take the hint. Daniel is still at my feet. I pull him closer to me and jack. I hug them both, I hug them and I try to kiss Daniel but jack stops me. I look at him suspicious but let it slide. Then I push him away. I sit on Daniel and hug him. Jack looks at me funny then let's it slide. I sit on Daniel the rest of the night. And eventually I fall asleep on him.

Sorry if I don't update I have no wifi at my house. So please stick with me! I love writing for you and I love reading your comments! I will try to publish as often as I can so please stay with me!! I love you all!!❤️

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