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Kate Pov

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Kate Pov

Me and the boys sit there and laugh. When Jack Comes down we sit there Laugh so hard our stomachs hurt. Jack looked at us like we are crazy. But that makes us laugh even harder. Once we get ourselves together jack asks "what is so funny?!" That set us off again an we fell to the ground laughing again. Then the joke gets old and we tell him why. He blushes and gets sheepish, he also glances at me and blushes even harder when he sees me laughing and looking at him. After awhile we calmed down and went to the pool.

Once we got out to the pool I sat there and read for a few hours. The boys eventually had something to do so I called Logan and went home. "How was your night?" He asked I replied with. " Good we watched a movie."

"Really that's all? I thought they would try something funny."

"Well, they did... I fell asleep on jack and he and Daniel brought me to there room. And I kinda slept in bed with jack." Logan looks stunned, then he gets angry, then laughs.

"Why are you laughing?" I ask

"Ohh just the fact it takes 2 of them to carry a girl less then 120 pounds to their room!"

"Well Jack actually carried me Daniel just licked me up off of jack so he could grab me."

"Well either way I don't care, anything else happen?"

"When I got up I took a shower and went down stairs and the boys were laughing. Not including jack he was up stairs. When I asked them what was so funny they laughed then Daniel spoke up and told me it was because Jack finally got a girl in his bed." Logan looks at me then starts laughing so hard he coughs and gags. He pulls over and gets out so he can breathe. We finally get back in the car and go home. When I get there I have a few text messages from the boys. We have a group chat. -Noodles 🍝, Jonah : ) , Zach😇, Dan 👀and Bean😋

Noodles 🍝- Hey Kate!

Jonah : )- really jack we just saw her and you are already texting her.

🍝 yep

😇really guys you need to do this in a group chat with all of us

👀 he is right why in the group chat

😋guys you are just as bad

🍝 well Kate when you read this text me and only me pls

🍝 hey guys do you think Kate likes me?

😇I think so dude

👀 yea but I think she likes others in our band too. And I might like her too

🍝 yea but I like her so back off Daniel

😇if you like her text ❤️

🍝 ❤️

: ) ❤️

😇 ❤️

👀 ❤️

😋I have a girlfriend but I like her as a friend

: ) guys I think we just told her that we like her. We are still in the group chat!!

🍝 😇: ) 👀 FML!!

After I read all the messages I text them. A 😘 means me.

😘 thanks guys I like you guys too. But I refuse too choose till I know more about you guys. So love you all❤️😘💋🌹😍.

I send the message and shut off my phone not knowing what to expect. Then it hits I told them that I like them. I don't know how to react so I decide to text Ayla and see if she wants to go to get smoothies. She agrees and we meet outside mine and logans apartment. We go for smoothies and come back. Then I decide to go to sleep. Then I Take a snap and post it to my story

 Then I Take a snap and post it to my story

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This is actually me ⬆️

Jack Pov

When me and the boys read that she likes us we get excited. We jump up and down and run around our house. Once we calm down we look at each other and say that she can only choose one. Once we realize this we make a competition to see who can date her. And that is how our Night goes.

Sorry I said that it would be more romantic but I just did drama instead. I hope you guys enjoy the story.

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