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Jack Pov

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Jack Pov

I kiss her head and hope it will be okay. She moans and I pull her closer to my chest.

Jonah Pov

Jack kisses her head and I can't help but cry. I liked her so much and I didn't even get a chance s and now she is dieing on the bathroom floor. I want to push away jack but he is her boyfriend so I don't. Then Daniel nudges at me and points.

Daniel Pov

Katlyn has a sick thing for pulling dark pranks like this. I decide to wipe the blood from her wrists. I see the blood is not continuous so I nudge Jonah. He is as pale as a ghost and looks like he is doing everything not to punch Jack.

Zach Pov

She sits there lifeless again and we can't do anything but wait.

Katlyn Pov

I know Daniel who is tending to my cuts realizes it is a prank because it was fake blood. I moan and jack pulls me closer to him. I use my arms and I jump out of his arms. "This is what you get for trying to prank me!" I scream, he looks startled and then suddenly angry "how could you joke about this Katlyn! I know that this is payback but pretending to die is not okay." Jack says in a temper tantrum. I can't help but laugh and pull him in to me. I try to soothe him but he is super frustrated. He gets up and leaves.

After he is gone I go and sit on the bed with Jonah. I sit next to him and rest my head in his lap. I sit there until I fall asleep for awhile. When I wake I am in jacks bed and he is next to me on his phone. I smile and steal his phone. I put it on the dresser next to us and lie onto of him. I sit there and kiss him on his forehead then I bite his nose piercing. I jump off of him and go clean up my rists then I go downstairs.

I go and sit on the counter then jack comes down in his shorts and messy hair. I laugh and he sees me. I move to the center so he can't touch me. He laughs then jumps on the counter and hits my arm and scream "your it!!" I laugh and run into the living room and hit Corbyn in the leg and scream "Bean is it!!" I run with all my might and make it into jacks room, when I get in there I find all the boys but Corbyn and Zach. I laugh and lock the door. I go and sit in the middle of the floor. Then I hear someone try to get in the room. I jump and go and lay on Daniels bed. Jonah, Daniel and jack sit on the other bed. Also fantasy sits there she is really close to zach. I get cold so I curl up under Daniels blankets and I rest my head on his pillow. Daniel laughs "well now my bed is going to smell like Katlyn and jack." He says. I laugh then go to his dresser and grab his cologne I spray till I am choking on it. Then I go and lay in his bed. "Better!?" I say laughing. The we here Zach scream outside the door. I hear Corbyn run and then I sturdy slap of skin on skin. We hear Zach scream. We all laugh so hard that I fall of Daniels bed causing all of them to laugh even more.

I hear a non wiggle and then Corbyn and Zach come in. They have silly string and strobe lights. I get up and run out of the room. I run downstairs and out to the pool. I sit there and then I get lifted up by someone and tossed into the pool. "That's how we do it logang!!" I hear Logan and the boys scream. I get out of the pool and then I see my face. It is gone. My make up is everywhere and I look like a clown. "Logan!! You are dead!!" I scream running after him. I eventually catch up after five minutes. I jump onto his back and start beating his back then I get up and steal his camera. I run back to the boys and set down the camera so the viewers can see them I jump on jack and wrap my legs around his waist I pull my hands around his neck. He grabs my thighs and leans in for a kiss. I kiss him and pull at his hair. He moans and then go for my bottoms lip he brushes his tounge around the edge of my mouth. He wants in so I let him. He brushes his toungus around my jaw he licks my teeth. I laugh because it tickles. He pulls his tongue out and he kisses me I feel a boner developing and I kinda like it. I pull closer so my boobs are against him and I can pull at his shirt. He tries to unclip my bra when we hear a bunch of boys coughing and laughing. Then we see they all recorded it. I am laughing so hard that I don't realize jack jump into the pool with me still on him. He laughs when we surface. I laugh and bite his nose. I get up and out of the water. I go inside and get dressed and clean off my makeup. When I come back out I see fantasy crying I run over to her "what is wrong" I ask. "Nothing just that I am leaving and won't be back for a month." I hear this and hug her "go kiss Zach" I wisper in her ear. She blushes but she knows that I know her. She reluctantly gets up and goes over to Zach. She sits on the couch next to him when suddenly Zach pulls her onto him, he kisses her for awhile then Fantasy ends the kiss and says I think I love you. He repeats and then fantasy gets up off of him. She hugs all the boys and then goes to me one last time. We do our goodbye. I lick her cheek and she screams. I laugh and hug her before she leaves. I cry a little and then she gets into logans car. She waves And I wave back to I text Logan that I am staying here and he sends. Smiley face. I laugh and go upstairs and hop into bed. Jack comes upstairs and gets into his boxers and hops into bed with me. I kiss his forehead and fall asleep.

I figured you guys deserve a long chapter. This chapter has took me and hour and half to write. I love writing for you guys and thanks for 100 reads it means a lot. If you want give me feedback and ship name for Zach and fantasy. Also jack and Katlyn. I love seeing you guys read. I love you all and sorry for not uploading remember I have no wifi. Love you guys!!❤️ also favorite band member or members. I can't choose between jack, Daniel or Jonah. Corbyn is took so that is out of the question. And Zach he seems like a kid to me but I am 13 so I probably shouldn't like Jonah but who cares. Love you guys!!❤️

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