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Jack Pov

I looked into her eyes and I made her fall asleep. I could feel her heart beat under my fingers. She was so warm, I couldn't help my self I turned my eyes were red and my fangs came out. I bit into her neck, her blood was so warm and it tasted delicious. "Jack, stop she can't know." Daniel says to me. "Sorry but I don't think are Katie is who we think she is smell her blood." He smells and we know atunativally she is one of us. She is vampire.

Katlyn Pov

I felt him sink his teeth into my skin I wanted to move but it felt good. Then he and Daniel found out I am not who I was. I slowly wake up. or pretend to. They look at me and I can see confusion in there eyes but I know better.

I telepathically tell Daniel to meet me on the roof with Jonah at three. He nods and we arrive at the house. I get up and go and check my neck in the boys room. I can't believe this had happened.

3 am on the roof

"So I take it you guys know, and I already know what you guys are." I say to them. "Sorry we didn't mean for you to find out and definitely not this way. But now that we all know we are vamps we can do vamp things together. So we can hunt and we can be normal." Jonah says. I nod and I ca,p over and hug him with all my vamp strength he hugs back. We laugh and then vamp downstairs. Jack is asleep and I go and lay next to him and for payback I bite his neck. He bite him multiple times so he has multiple bite holes. Haha your vampire girlfriend got you jack! I silently say to my self. I giggle and I go lay in the bed. I take a nap till a pesky Zach vamps into my room and wakes me up. I get up and go outside we decide to hunt we fill up go home and chill till we fall asleep.

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