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Katlyn Pov 

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Katlyn happy birthday to you!" The boys screamed and then shot me with confetti.     " what time is it!?" I scream at them only seek the darkness outside of the living room windows. "3:30 in the morning your brother said it is as close as we can get to when you were born" Daniel says looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes. "Well thanks guys but can I go to sleep and do this again in the morning!?" I say to them they all nod and go to their rooms me jack and Daniel  head to ours.

Snack!! "Ouch!!" I scream. Jack is recording the mess,I have whip cream and sprinkles all over my face. Zach and Corbin walked by to see what was going on but the soon fell to the ground laughing. Jonah is still asleep, Daniel is laying in his bed smiling like a dork. I wipe the whip cream off of my face and run towards jack with my hands. He shrieks and runs, luckily since I am from Ohio and on the track and cross country team I fought up before he made it down the stairs. Jumped on to his back and smeared it across his face. I grab his phone and continue to record his messy face. "Don't mess with an ohion on their birthday unless you want to look like a snowman!" I look at the camera give a thumbs up and then post it on jack snap story. Once I am done I grab jacks hand and lead him to the bathroom, he sits on the counter, I turn on some warm water and grab a rag, I slowly and precisely clean off all the whip cream I admire the perfect shape of his face and his never ending brown eyes. He looks deep into my eyes I lean forward and bite his nose piercing. He jumps off the counter and lifts me up he grabs the rag wipes the cream off my face and kisses the tip of my nose. 

I  go and lay in jacks bed when I hear a smoke alarm go off. I run down the stairs, I see zach, Corbyn, Jonah and Daniel waving around towels and opening windows trying to get smoke outside. I run up to them and grab what ever was burning and take it outside, soon afterwards the boys come out side choking on smoke.  "What the hell did you guys do it is 10 on the morning and you already almost started a fire!" "We were making you a cake you can see how that went." Jonah said motioning towards the steaming brown and black pan next o my feet. "Well you guys need to go and clean your mess, I am going upstairs and changing into something nice for we are going out to lunch for my birthday and than we can do what you want afterwards." I say to them and walk upstairs. I take a shower and then go and put on this ⬇️

At about 11:30 I come downstairs and we hop into the sububarn

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At about 11:30 I come downstairs and we hop into the sububarn. We head to the grove. I get some noodles and company and meet the boys at a table. We eat our food and go shopping. "Hey babe, pick out something sexy we have a dinner date just for us tonight. The boys are going on there own thing we have the house to us tonight." Jack says. I look at him and nod "also some one is hear to help you get ready." He modes and behind him i we my best frien addi!

(I used Madison beer for the model)

I run into her arms and squeal

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I run into her arms and squeal. "Happy birthday boo!" She squeals. We jump around and catch up we get me some lingerie and a cute outfit for tonight 

 We jump around and catch up we get me some lingerie and a cute outfit for tonight 

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Once we get home we curl my hair and do my makeup

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Once we get home we curl my hair and do my makeup. It is 7 and we head out addi goes downstairs and gets the boys to wait at the bottom. She screams ready and I walk down. Jacks face is shaped like an O, addi is giggling and video taping it. The other boys are staring like a bunch of goons. I giggle and flaunt my stuff. Once I am up to Jack I tap his mouth shout and kiss him in the lips. He breaks out to the spell and kisses back. He grabs my hand and says "God what did I do deserve you! Let's go out and enjoy our night boys leave the house addi go and hangout for me and Katie or going to have a good night. 

We leave and head out to Olive Garden we enjoy our meal and then come back to the house. Jack leads me upstairs I claim I need to use the bathroom and go and change I come out, he scoops me up and you know what happens.

A/N on September 26, 14 years ago I was born!! That's right I am 14 bitches!! Also happy brithday Why Don't We!!❤️😍😘🍰🎶👌

A/N on September 26, 14 years ago I was born!! That's right I am 14 bitches!! Also happy brithday Why Don't We!!❤️😍😘🍰🎶👌

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