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Jonah's Pov 

I can't believe it. I look at her nd then I go to the bathroom and grab all the sharp things before she can stop me. I take them all and put them in a bag and then I go and put it into the bin. I call the boys and tell them that I a, going to stay here tonight while throwing it all away. I go and lay by Katlyn one last time before I pull her up and drag her to the couch. I can't help but cry. She sees I am crying. "Hush Jonah I did it to my self, your fine." She whispers to me in such a caring way that a I can't help but cry even more. I love this girl so much and she is threatening to take it all away from me like it is nothing. I pull her closer and I try to calm down. Then I pull away and look her straight in the eyes. "Katlyn does Logan know!?" I ask her sternly. She shakes her head no I can't believe she hasn't told him. I grab my phone and call him and tell him it is Ann e,regency and to get here soon. She looks at me like I have committed a crime. But it needed to be done.

A/N Sorry it is super short but I need you guys to know I am alive and working on another chapter, please give me recommendations i need some. Also if you guys don't i will end it in a unexpected way. So love you guys know give me some ideas! 

Love you limelight's!

Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now