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Kate Pov

I run up to Jack, I was super excited then it hit. I turn around very shaky and run to my room very nauseous. I sit on my bed for a few minutes and calm down. I get my life together, look in the mirror and try to look human. I walk out and say " Sorry I acted like that, I never thought I would meet my idols, and definitely in my apartment. I would like to introduce me self. I am Katlyn but you guys can call me Kate, or whatever you want. As long as you guys talk to me." They look at each other for a second and then laugh. Did I do something wrong? What if they don't like me! Then they finally Jonah spoke up "Don't worry we are used to it, we run into people all the time." "Thanks Jonah it means a lot to me and to know you aren't staring at my Ass. Jack, do you see something you like!? Jack kind of shakes and come out of his daze. He blushes, it is a cute blush and he tries to hide it but i go up to him. And grab his jaw to make him look down to me for he is quite a bit taller then I am. "So Jack, did you like what you saw. So my ass and all the other parts of my body?" He blushes harder so I just laugh and take it as a yes. I turn towards Logan and ask what we are doing he says just hanging out. So we just hang out and I get all of there numbers. When I see all of the names they put in I just laugh. Noodles 🍝, Jonah : ) , Zach😇, Dan 👀 and Corbyn but I change it to Bean. We spend the rest of our day talking and eating. Eventually we go to the boys house and go swimming. We when we get to the house I change into my black swim suit. When I walk out I am more covered then this morning. But I still get all the boys looking except corbyn. I look at them and blush but I run up to Jack, I know my ass jiggles in this swim suit so run up to him and jump into his arms laughing. He is stunned but he can lift a 120 pound girl. He clutches onto me bridal style and jumps into the pool. Then everyone jumps in and splashes. We do this till about midnight. I ask Logan if I can stay with and watch a movie. He agrees but pulls the boys aside but I don't care. When they get back they look shook so I tell them to spill it so they did. "Logan told us to stay away from you and that you are off limits for all of us. So if we try anything funny he will chop our balls off and staple them to our tongues." I laugh and say "if he does that I will personally chop his off and staple them to his forehead. And why would he say that to you guys it isn't like any of you have a crush on me!? Or do you?" All the boys laugh but Jack. He looks at me and says " A few of us like you but you have to figure it out yourself. So let's settle in and watch a movie.

We sit on the couches I am between Dan and Jack, and the other tree boys sit next to each other on the other couch. I get into shorts and a sports bra and watch a scary movie typical. I am a wimp when it comes to scary movies. So close my eyes the majority of the time. I decide to get comfy and but by legs on Daniel and rest my head and shoulders on Jacks lap. He doesn't seem entertained by the movie so he turns and looks down to me and giggles. We talk for awhile and he asks me questions. I get board so I reach up and tug on his curls. He smiles and brushes my cheeks with his soft hands. I grab his hand and pull it to my chest. I roll over and fall asleep on him.

Sorry it is Short but I am Trying to write two or three stories right now. I hope you guys enjoy this story if you do please vote and comment. It would mean a lot to me. If you want you can go back to the previous chapter and read the bottom for all of my info. And I might hold a contest for characters. Also I am writing this offline for my parents cut off my wifi so if I you think I forgot to upload it is because I have no wifi. Once school starts up I will upload a chapter a day.❤️

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