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Ugh... I roll over a try to fall back asleep. The I realize that there was a body in my bed. Ohh it was just jack, I smile and shake him awake and Push him off so he hits the floor. He just lays their not even awake.i laugh because he is in just his boxers and his hair is a mess. I jump out of bed and put on sone underwear and a Nike hoodie off jacks. I go downstairs and grab some ice cubes and water I go back upstairs and bump into Daniel he  saw me so he got some pans.  We went to the door and eyed each other. I run in and dumb the ice water on him and Daniel starts banging the pans. "Huh what is going on!!" Jack screams. Me and Daniel start rolling on the floor. I can't help but throw a towel at him and go downstairs. I need to breathe.

After awhile the rest of the boys get up and  meet in the kitchen. We are all hung fort so we head to the grove so we can get food. I want some Starbucks and some gainz so I head off for that. After awhile me and  addi run into each other and decide to hang I send the boys a message and hard back to Logan's with her. We hand out for hours talking about life and of course the boys. We decide to head back to the boys house and hang. Once w are there Daniel comes up to addy and steals her. Jack comes to me and takes me out for a late night stroll. We decide we wanted to walk the streets so we drive and park. We walk down the boardwalk and to the beach. I decide to go back to the house so jack and me get in the car and head back. We laugh and he puts his hand on my thigh I chuckle and look deep into his eyes when it all goes black...

A/N sorry for infrequent righting I was busy I will try to upload if I don't get a few votes then I will not continue writing if I do I will continu

Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now