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Katlyn Pov

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Katlyn Pov

I take a deep breath and walk out. I say " I love all of you, I have been with you guys forever. It has a fun past few Days with you guys. But my question is what is my favorite colors?" All the boys think for a moment and then jack speaks up. " you like black, white, blue and dark red, as well with some gray." I am shocked he got it all right!! I guess that means I get Jack. "Alright one more question. Who did I follow first. " Me!" Jack screams and he is right. "Jack you get to be my boyfriend if you want!"

Jack Pov

"Jack you get to be my boyfriend if you want!" Kate says. I jump up and down and run up to her. I grab her in bridal style and kiss her forehead. She leans up to me and bites my nose. All I can do is blush and giggle.

The other boys are disappointed but she apologizes to them all and says that they still have a chance but she is still mine. We all decide to lighten the mood by watching a scary movie and letting her stay with us.

We watch the human centipede, she doesn't like it so we go up stairs and watch something on Netflix. She eventually gets tired and goes and changes. When she comes back she is wearing this.

 When she comes back she is wearing this

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After she is done getting ready we get into bed

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After she is done getting ready we get into bed. She curls up on my chest and wraps her legs around me. When all of a sudden she pulls her body onto me. She has her legs rested on either side of my hips and her butt is on my dick. I almost immediately get a boner. I don't know what to think then to blush and reach up and kiss her. I try to distract her but she is laughing to hard. When I can't take it and get up and run downstairs to where the boys are, they all look at me funny then they realize what just happened and laugh their asses off. I can't take it so I go outside and clime onto the roof to breathe and to take care of "it."

Katlyn Pov

When I get out of the bathroom I go to lie on the bed with Jack. I decide to be bold and pull my legs up and around his waist and sit on him. I wasn't thinking when I did that because I almost immediately felt him"swell", I don't know what to think so I blush and laugh. I stay there but I think he wanted me to move because he got up and ran out of the room. I am still on the bed laughing too hard when I hear all the boys laughing and a door slam. I stop laughing and run downstairs, the boys are on the couch, they are laughing hard but I don't see jack. Also Daniel and Zach seem pissed. They are red and shaking. But Jonah and Corbyn are Laughing to hard so I ask" Where is Jack!?" Daniel points to the door and I run.

I hear crying, it is jack I don't know how react. I scream for him but everything goes silent. I notice that there is a leg hanging off the roof so I climb up there. I see jack crying, I run up to him and hug him while trying not to laugh. I hop onto him and straddle him to the ground and kiss him passionately, our lips move in perfect sinc. He puts his hands on my waste and pulls me onto him even more. I feel his boner. I don't care. He slides his tongue across my bottom lip. I let him into my mouth, he slides it in perfectly and I slide my tongue into his. We kiss and pull at each other for awhile. Until I pull back needing air. Jack looks at me sheepishly and I laugh, I look deep into his eyes, I lean forward and bite his nose piercing before I jump off the roof.

I go inside and the boys stare at me then I realize I am in only my bra and my short shorts. Jack comes in he looks around then runs up stairs. I stay downstairs and talk with Daniel. I can tell he is suspicious and angry but he lets it slide. I stay down there for a while longer before asking daniel to bring me up stairs. He doesn't hesitate and lifts me up bridal style I grab onto his neck and rest my head on his collar bone. When he turns suddenly and goes to the kitchen and sets me down my butt on the edge counter and him in between my legs. He has a boner too!! He reaches for my face and confesses "Katlyn I am sorry I didn't win the contest for you. I do truly like you. You are and amazing girl and you are smart and artistic. Your brother told me about your singing and photography love. As well as your love for piano but never having a chance to play. So I brought you a new Camera and I am going to let you use my piano." I don't know how to react other than to hug him but he wants more I can tell. He rests his hands on my bare hips and pulls me to his waste his boner pressing against me. He leans in for a kiss so I kiss him but only lightly, he wants more and moves his lips to mine softly but still trying to get more, he slides his tongue into my mouth. I put my elbows on his shoulders, and run my hands through his hair, I wrap my legs around his waste and pull him to me. He grabs onto my ass still kissing me, he goes full on make out and tries to undo my bra but he can't for it is a front clip and he doesn't realize, he pulls me to him and brings me to his room. When we get in their Jack comes up to Daniel and...

Haha mother cliff hanger!! I love you guys I hope you know that, you are amazing!! I can't believe people actually read what I write. I am going to introduce a new character soon!! I am going to plug!! Instagram im_iyana_rose you should go and follow!! Alright question time taco or burrito? Also please comment and vote so I know you guys are real!!

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