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"Jack wake up!!" I scream at him. He opens his eyes and laughs "well aren't you a little playful today." I shake my head. "I am not playful I had a very scary dream. And I need you I am scared." He giggles and I blush. I curl up into him and wraps his arms around me. I eventually fall asleep again but the vampire dream comes back. I try to wake but I can't. Jack is comeing towards me, he and Daniel want my blood they want immortality. I try to run but Jonah Zach and Corbyn are surrounding me. The grab me and tie me down. Jack smiles and licks his lips "Sorry baby but I need to live and you don't." He says with a snicker. Then he grabs a nice and chops out my heart. I stay for the dream but I am dead. He and the boys take my blood and divide it among them. They drink it and become to powerful. They are the gods now. Then jack grabs my body and tosses it in a ditch and leaves. "Ahhh!"  I scream jack wakes up and pulls me close. I start histarically balling my eyes out. I get up and go run myself a bath. I need to calm down. Jack strips down and comes into the bath with me. He pulls me closer. I try to calm down but the tears keep comeing. I eventually stop crying because I have no tears. I go and get into some sweats and a hoodie. 

"Jack, I am going to Logan's for a day I haven't seen him in awhile. Also I need to stop by the pharmacy I will call you later!" I scream out the door. I go to the car and drive to Logan's. I park it and walk upstairs to my brothers apartment. He is blogging so I run to my room but Logan grabs me and puts me on his shoulder. I scream and tell him to put me down for I need to get my meds. He stops blogging and puts me down immediately. He looks me in the eyes "Katie why do you need your drugs you haven't needed those in a long time?" He ask with concern and alarm on his  face. I look him straight into the eyes and tell him about my dreams. He then takes me to grab my prescription information and then gets me to the pharmacy. Once I get home I take the pills. I hang out with Logan and lidia till it gets dark. I FaceTime jack and he answers immediately. I tell him I am staying at Logan's for the night. He tells me to call him if it is needed. I agree to and hang up. I grab some melatonin a blanket an take the pills. I watch Somme cartoons and then fall asleep into a dream I wish I could wake from. I am falling and falling I can't stop. I scream and and eventually wake up. I call jack and he says he will be there soon. Logan comes and sits with me till I can stop crying or until jack gets here.  

Ding dong "Katlyn open the door I am here." Jack says through the door and I run to the door. He pulls me close to him. I start to cry a lot more, he pulls me to the couch. I lay my head on his lap and I sit there all I can think is about the dreams about him and the boys. I lay there and lay there.

Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now