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Jack Avery c.10

Katlyn Pov

Then everything goes black.

Jack Pov

I went I to the bathroom after Katie held me down for an hour. I hear her scream and start crying, then my door slams and she is gone. I go down stairs and ask if they know where she went. They have no clue. I go back upstairs and try to call her but before that happens I get a phone call from a unknown number.

Unknown caller

Hi I am a person and I have your girlfriend. If you want her come to this address. Blah blah123 oak driver. Come alone and prepared. If you don't meet my standards she will be dead.

He ends the call before I can speak. I run downstairs and tell the boys what just happened and then tell them to stay here and I leave with that. I drive for over an hour until I get to a old where house. I run up to the doors and go inside. I hear her scream and then I slap of silence.

I am going to leave you on a cliff hanger sorry. It is super short I know, I will try to get some wifi so I can upload more. Love you guys❤️😘😍💋

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