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Jack Pov

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Jack Pov

I run up to the doors and go inside. I hear her scream and then A slap of silence. I run inside and I find her being beat by two people. "Stop!" I scream so loud I thought my lungs might burst. The two strangers laugh, then come up to me. They claim that I have been lied too and Katie isn't truly in love with me. I don't believe them I try to get to her. They come in front of me and won't let me get to her. I was smart and brought my fists. I punch a super tall blonde dude right in the gut. The fatter short kid I punch in the jaw, I kick them both in the balls so hard I don't think they will be having kids. They fall to the ground in agony, I run to Katlyn. She is limp and bloody I throw her on my back. I run with all my might. I hear the two guys running after me. I put her in the back of the suburban. And I floor it to the house. When I get there I scream for the boys, they all come out and help me into the house when Jonah realizes something disturbing. When they took her they must have raped her, she doesn't have on her under ware and her bra is gone. There is also fluid in between her legs. I look at what they just said and I scream and fall to the ground. I call 911 they are sending an ambulance when we notice a lot of blood comping from he back of her head as well as her boobs. I look at her boobs and see lots of deep gashes in her chest. And the back of her head is missing lots of hair.

Jonah Pov

When Jack comes into the house he screams for us and we all run out to the car. I grab Katlyn and pull her into he house. We soon realized there is a lot of blood coming from her head and boobs. Also she is missing some of her clothing. I suggest rape. Jack hears this and he screams so loud that my ears ring, he calls an ambulance, they will be here in a bit. Jack decides to check her boobs, he finds that there is deep gashes as if though a knife was carving her. And I find that her head is bleeding because she was best and her hair was pulled.

Daniel Pov

I call our managers and they tell us that if there is rape that we shouldn't touch anything so they can use a rape kit. When the ambulance arrive we tell them everything that has happened. That ask us how long she has been out. We all look at jack and says about an hour. They look worried and load her into the ambulance. Once jack is in they take off and me and the boys get into the suburban. We sit on the bloody seats but don't mind and we tell Jonah to floor it.

Zach Pov

Looking at the girl I love lifeless, bloody and bruised hurt me. I was crying and internally screaming. When Jack said she has been out for a hour I knew it wasn't good. Once jack and her are gone I get into the seats and I lay down in the seat she was in. I lay in her blood, it is still warm. I cry until we reach the hospital.

Corbyn Pov

Once all of us are in the van I call Logan and explain everything that has just happened. He says he will meet us at the hospital.

Katlyn Pov

All I see is black, I hear them talking about me and I hear the sirens. I can slightly see jack he is holding my hand and crying. He also is covered in blood. I don't know how to react. The I fully become aware of my body and I am fully conscious. My body hurts, I look at jack and whisper I love you then it all goes. I feel nothing and I see nothing.

Sorry sucky chapter but I am car sick from writing but I don't know when I am going to update again so we will find out. love you all and I did not forget about you!❤️

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