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When I get to the backyard I find a surprise

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When I get to the backyard I find a surprise. They had made their backyard into a fairy date night. There was fairy lights everywhere and white rose pedals on the yard the boys were in tuxedos. They all had corsages and they all did their hair. "What is going on?" I ask when corbyn comes up to me. "They all are having a competition to see if you are the better match for them. I told them it is a stupid idea and you will choose who you like when you want but they are impatient people. So they decided why not do something special." He says all of this with a smirk on his face. Then music starts and the boys start singing.

Insert Logan and their song!

When the song is over I can't help but cry. I run up to Jack and pull on his curls and kiss his cheek. Then I go to Zach and run my hand through his hair and kiss his cheek. I go up to Daniel and stare into his eyes, and kiss his cheek. And with Jonah I pull him down to my height and kiss him too. I needed to stand on my tippy toes to kiss them all but Jonah was to tall.

They all come up to me and sing something unique to all of them. But Jack doesn't sing he says,"Katlyn Emily Paul I may not sing like the rest of them but I would like to talk to you instead. I have liked you since the first time I saw you even if you were pretty much naked. You are so pretty and smart. You make my heart beat a million miles an hour when you walk into the room. I love how bold you are, you know me so well that you know where to push buttons to make me angry, you know how to control my emotions. When you pull on my curls... I don't know how to say this but... ugh!! Katlyn will you please choose one of us tonight." I don't know how to respond other than to hug them all again and grab Corbyn and run back into the house. I don't know how to react other than jump up and down. Corbyn laughs at my irrationality, he smiles and says "you better go choose I am sure the boys are nervous because you ran away. And then ran away taking me with you." He laughs as he says that. I decide to breathe walk out and...

Hahaha cliff hanger!! Sorry guys I am a sucky writer and it doesn't help that I am on a bus with the entire marching band on a trip to the Wisconsin dells. I will try to include a character into the story. Also if you enjoy Vote and comment! Also i am going to ask a question at the end of each chapter so if you actually read this here is today's question. What is your favorite sport? My personally would either be Ski jumping or pole vaulting in track.

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