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Katlyn Pov

 As I left in the purple car I made it about 5 miles and then ditched it. I started to run my legs and lungs were burning, I pushed myself harder until I simply couldn't run then realized where I was the boys house the Last place I want to be, I turn around and start jogging. It is starting to get dark so I head to a familiar house tha I had seen in YouTube videos. It is the one the only Jeffree starr! I knock on the gate and run the buzzer, a voice comes through sounding exhausted. "Hello who ever this is it better be good I was in the middle of something..." " umm hi this is Katlyn Katlyn Paul. I am logan Paul's little sister and a friend of James I don't know if you know who I a,pm but I need a plac3 to stay and I stumbled across you...I get it if you don't want me to stay I ca go find Shane Dawson's house..." there was a odd silence. Then a booming voice came through. "Girl I know who you are you are one of the people I am constantly checking in on, I love you like girl you slay, here come in we can talk once you are inside." The voice cut off and I was complete and utterly shocked.  I guess I should be used to random things happening to me. The gate ringed and creeped and then opened. I go up to the door and I was about to knock when Jeffree opened it. He was about to hug me but then he realized I was a mess and brought me inside. "Girl here you go upstairs to my shower and clean up and change into this" He hands me a dress, I guess I shouldn't be suprised. "Once you are clean you can can come downstairs and we can talk... do you want me to call logan or someo- "no don't do that I don't want them knowing I am here! Sorry I didn't mean to yell umm... I will go and shower real quick and then I will explain everything. 

Jacks Pov 

I leave the hospital and go home. I swear I saw Kate running down the street but I must be hallucinating she is dead. I need sleep I pull up to the house and go inside. I try to relax and stop crying but I can't. I just go to bed and sleep with a wet pillow. 

Logan Pov

I go in and hug Katlyn one last time but when I am hugging her I realize she wasn't wearing these clothes at all. I have never seen these clothes before. I check the girls wrist and there is no tattoos or cuts. This girl looks like Kate and came from my car what is going on... "um guys get a doctor... NOW!!" The boys looked shocked but they listen. The doctor runs in and asks what is wrong. "Um  this isn't Kate this is not here she wasn't in these clothes and she has tattoos and cuts there is none of these on this girl... who is she!?" The doctor looks alarmed and then grabs a needle and draws blood. He goes and runs a DNA test but it comes back as Katlyn. I call mom this is wrong what is going on 

M- hey logie what is up

L- umm Katlyn is dead but this body isn't Katlyn 

M-ohh god umm logan your sister had a twin but she couldn't live with us when she was born. So she didn't come with us home.

L- ok she has a twin so this is t Katlyn and I am not crazy.

M-yes that is her twin and no you are not crazy..omg her twin is dead and she doesn't even know she exists. Logan where is your sister?"

L-umm I don't know but I will go find her bye but don't think this is over.

I hang  up and go to the doctor. "This is t Katlyn it is her long lost twin and I have to go try to identify her." I say in a ramble the boys look at me strangely "guys that isn't Kate wait where is Jack!? Ohh God someone find him now!" I leave the hospital and use my connections. 

Katlyn Pov 

Once I am done showering I look in the mirror I am a mess but who cares I go down stairs and find Jeffree he has two cups of coco and whip cream with candy. I sit down next to him and he hands me a blanket and a coco. "Alright now that you smell decent tell me why the Hell you are on this side of LA?" I shrug and start "I was cutting and I couldn't deal with the fame and the pressure of dating my boyfriend and then I ran away. And then I ditched my car and then started running And now I am here." He looked confused as he looks at his phone he clicks something and shows me the cnn video. "A social media star know as Katlyn Paul has been in a car accident this evening and has been pronounced dead.." they show the car as it is wrapped around a post and me I a stretcher but I am here not there what is going on. "Katlyn Paul will surely be missed." And then the video just shows many pictures s of me and then all of a sudden my back up phone explodes in notifications. Lots of rips and crying faces. Tweet and say "guys I will miss you all very greatly I love you jack!" Once it is tweeted i but down my phone. Jeffree looks confused " I don't know who that is but now I can pretend to be dead an lie low for awhile until people figure out that is not me... Jeffree will you let me stay here till I can get back in my feet?" He nods and leads me to a spare bedroom I plug in my phone so that way it is stil, charged if I need it. He shits the doer and I go to bed.

Jacks Pov 

The boys am my phone and I ignore it she loves Jonah not me. I shut off my phone completely. I look at the mirror and punch it I can't stand looking at myself, the mirror shatters but it shatters in a damn heart "Fuck!!" I scream I look at my hand it has a shard in it. She cut I cut. No don't do that she ran away because of that.  I don't even  bother cleaning my hands go o lay down and go back to sleep.

Jonah's Pov

If this isn't Kate then who is this and why did she say she loves me and not jack what is going on!

Hey guys you deserve a long chapter so here you go. Keep reading and thank you for all the reads I love your comments they make my day! Love you all!

 Keep reading and thank you for all the reads I love your comments they make my day! Love you all!

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