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Katlyn Pov

I kiss his forehead and fall asleep. When I wake jack has chocolate and a hot bath running. He says you can't avoid this time of month. I look and his sheets they are red and my shorts are red too. I reluctantly go to the bathroom and get undressed. I give my clothes to jack and get into the bath. Once I am in I hear jack "there is a pair of sweatpants tampons and my sweater in my bed come downstairs when you are ready. I go through my entire playlist before getting out. I run into the room and grab the box and the sweats. I could care less about my boobs (that are non-existent.) I eventually come out of the bathroom and put on jacks hoodie. I grab my phone and go down to the living room. I go and sit on the counter just like any other day. I sit there and Bluetooth my favorite song scars to your beautiful, the boys hear it because it was so loud I felt the speaker move. They all came in and they clearly new what was going on because they all acted strange as if though i was a lion about to break free. I roll my eyes and scroll through instagram. After awhile go to the living room and put in divergent. Jack comes in and sits next next to me. I lay my head in his lap, he starts to play with my hair. Eventually I get tired and fall asleep again.

I get up an hour later to go and do my thing. I come back downstairs and trip on the final three steps. I fall face first and do a scorpion on the main floor. Jack hears me fall and comes in and runs to me once he sees the tears streaming down my face. "Babe, what happened!?" He asked alarmed by my crying "I missed the step and fell down face first and roll over that way. And now my entire body hurts." I say trying to stop sobbing. I swiftly get picked up and brought to the couch. Jack puts me on his lap, I sit there and lean my head into the rook of his neck. Once I stop crying I pull out my phone and go through instagram. Eventually jack says he needs to go to the restroom. I reluctantly get up and go and lay outside by the pool. I must have dosed off because next thing I new I had whip cream all over my face. I go up to jack and punch him in the arm I strip down to my underwear and go shirtless into the pool. Only jack is awake so I don't care if he sees. I come up scraping the rest of the whip cream off. Jacks face goes red and and he sees that I am in nothing but my bottoms, I motion for him to get in. He takes off his shirt and his black jeans and gets in he is only in his boxers. He slowly comes up to me as if warry I will snap and not want this. I inch towards him and wrap my arms around his neck. You know that next week is about a month of us. I whisper in his ear, he nods and says"jump!" I do what I am told I wrap my legs around his waist his hands on my thighs holding me up. I kiss his head and lay my head on his collar bone. I pull myself close to him he pulls me closer then I was and I feel his swell "you know we can't have sex till after my blood is done streaming." He laughs but he already knew that. "Yea I know but I can't help my self when I have such a pretty girl on me!"

"I know babe but you will need to wait, and do we really want to have sex. I am not sixteen for another month. I am up for it but it is up to you."

"Of course I want to do it!! I may not be the person to take your virginity but that was not up to you. But I will gladly take place in the pleasure." Jack says with a snicker. I roll my eyes and go inside and get on some clothes. When I walk in I strip down, jack says he is going out to get some food and I say ok. Once I am naked I go over to his closet and steal i hoodie and a pair of underwear I have cleaned. I stand up after all my clothes are picked up. And on the bed when Suddenly I feel a set of arms around my waist.

Sorry for not updating my parents stole my device but I got it back now, I am super happy to be writing again. I love you guys!!❤️ also favorite fall sport? Mine is cross country. I am writing this after my first meet ever and my first meet as a varsity runner. First year and a eighth grade Nice. Well either way next chapter will be out soon loves!

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