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Katlyn Pov

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Katlyn Pov

I fall asleep on Daniel. When I wake I am in his bed and jacks stuff is gone. I am super confused. Where is jack!? I go downstairs and I see all the boys crying. I don't know what is going on "where is Jack!? Why are all of you crying!? What is going on!?" I scream it all so loud I thought they would hear me but they don't say a thing. Daniel comes up behind me and takes me back upstairs. I am crying so much by the time I get upstairs everything is blurry. Daniel pulls me into his lap. "Where is jack!?" I cry scream. Daniel looks at me simpathetically. "He went home after last night. You were talking in your sleep. You said that you love me. Nothing ever came up about jack. He thought that this would be a clean break for you. I am sorry... I wish I could help." He looks like he is about to cry. I start crying so hard that I don't know whether I am crying or getting a bucket of water dumped on me. I look at Daniel and run downstairs. I run up to Jonah and hug him. I cry until I can't cry. After awhile I go upstairs. I take the boys razor, I pull it across my arm. The pain feels so reliving that I keep cutting. Eventually I cut to deep. I pass out of blood loss.

Jack Pov

Last night Katlyn fell asleep on Daniel. So I thought for payback I would pretend to move out. I packed all my stuff and I brought it out to the garage. It is about ten in the morning when she comes downstairs. Everyone is fake crying, she looks so confused and then screams for me but no one answers. Daniel takes her back upstairs to explain the situation. After awhile she comes running down the stairs and goes and lies on Jonah. It hurts to see her cry, but it proves she misses me. I was about to come out of hiding when she goes back upstairs. I her a door shut. I creep up the stairs so she can't here me. I am about to come in when I hear her body hit the floor. I run into the bathroom to see a razor in her hand and blood on the floor. I start to cry I scream for the boys and they all come upstairs. Fantasy comes to her aid right away she calls 911. She explains the situation, they are sending an ambulance. I sit there on the floor crying pulling her close to my body. I feel her warmth. I kiss her head and hope it will al be okay.

Sorry it is a bad chapter but I am uploading off of free wifi. I am back from my trips so me uploading will become inconsistent. I will try my best to upload so stick with me. I love you!!❤️

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