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Katlyn Pov

I lay down next to jack and wait for him wake. It is about two minutes later when he stirs from under and try's to get up. I tell him no and lay back on him. I am straddling him down by putting legs around his hips and lying on him. He resists all of it but he stays in place.

After about an hour of him fighting he calms down. He gets out from under me and goes to his room. I follow him, he goes into the bathroom and turns on the shower. I go and lay on his bed, I find his phone and go onto his text messages. Well he doesn't text anyone except family me and the boys. I look through pictures and I find many pictures of me, they are old like old old, they are from years ago like 6th grade old. I delete the pictures but the damage is done and I run out the door and run down the road too a shady part of town.

I run until my lungs hurt and it is dark. I feel like I am being watched when all of a sudden some clamps their hand over my mouth. I can't breath so I bite their hand. The scream sounds familiar, too familiar. If is my crazy ex Caden!! He is obsessed with me. He waters all the things I gave him. He takes me by the neck and lifts me up off the ground. It is easy for him he is 6'2 I can't reach the ground he is making it hard for me to breathe. Then a second person comes up and says to make sure to make me pass out before bringing me to...

Short chapter but believe when i say this is going to be intense. The two characters Caden and the second one are actually crazy exes I have had also I am going to include another person into the story that has done some bad things to me, so stay tuned for insight on y, life and jack and Katlyn drama. Make sure to vote and comment!! It means a lot believe me. The question for this chapter is favorite YouTuber mine is between you tubers Jack Avery, Dolan, dobre, Martinez twins and Logan Paul.

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