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I woke up with a start to the loud crack of thunder.

I've never liked thunder. When I lived with my old pack they would make me sleep outside when there was thunder. It just made me even more scared of it.

I whimpered when I heard another loud crack. What am I supposed to do, if I wake up Alpha Sam he'll be angry and maybe make me stay outside like my last Alpha.

Then again, he might not, so far, he hasn't done anything to me and I feel super protected and comfortable when I'm around him. I'm going to wake him up and hope for the best.

I slowly hobbled over to where he was sleeping on the couch. He still had his hood on preventing me from seeing his face.

Curiosity got the better of me as I started to slowly reach out for his hood. A small peak won't hurt anybody. I softly grabbed hold of his hood and started to slowly push it backwards. I started to see soft plump lips, they looked very girly to be on a man's face. I wonder what it would feel like to kiss him. It must be like kissing a cloud. Or even better, a cookie! Come to think of it, his voice was higher pitched and slightly more feminine than any other man I have ever heard.

Just as I was about to reveal his entire face a hand grabbed at my wrist. Making me scream slightly. I pulled my hand back and ran as best as I could with the cast on my leg to the other side of the room.

I heard another loud crack of thunder scaring me even more than I already was. Alpha Sam growl as he stood up, but he immediately stopped once he saw me crouched down at the corner of the room.

"Princess. What's wrong?" The Alpha asked softly not moving knowing that he would scare me even more which I was grateful for.

I pointed outside and then over at him before pulling my hand back to my body as if it was going to be chopped off.

"Princess, you don't have to be scared of me or the thunder, we won't do anything to you" I don't know whether to trust this guy. I would maybe consider trusting him if he gave my cookies. Where's that notebook thing?

As if on cue I heard something being slid over to me. I peeked my head up from behind my arms and at the notebook at my feet with a pen on top. I looked up at Alpha Sam who nodded at me eagerly.

Plees dont mak me go outsid. Im sory for waking u up.

I slid the notebook back over at him, so he could read it.

"Princess, why would I make you go outside?" He asked me his voice going slightly deeper. I just shook my head in reply and hid my face back into my arms.

"Is there anything I can do or get you to help?" He asked handing the notepad back over to me. I thought for a while before smiling brightly. There is one thing.


Sam raised an eyebrow at the paper before standing up and rushing out of the room. I hope he went to go get me cookies.

Soon enough he returned with a pack of cookies in his hand "here you go" he passed them over to me and I greedily grabbed the pack out of his hands and rip it open. I moaned out loud as I popped the cookie into my mouth.

"Are cookies your favourite food?" He asked me as he sat down on the floor opposite me but making sure to keep a good amount of distance between us. I nodded my head in reply as I quickly ate the cookies.

"Why don't you try and sleep now, or you'll be tired tomorrow. I'll give you cookies in the morning" Alpha Sam suggested standing up and walking over to me.

I nodded my head and tried to get up. My cast was making it hard for me to get up, so I looked over to Alpha Sam as if asking if her could help me "Do you want me to help you?" He asked walking closer to me.

I nodded and reached out to grab his hand, once my hand met his I felt sparks shoot up my hand then arm. I loved the feeling for some reason it was like... as good as eating a cookie.

He helped me up and onto the bed, once he let go of my hands i couldn't help but feel sad, I felt slightly lonely in a way.

"Will you be able to sleep with the thunder?" He asked. I hadn't even noticed the thunder still outside. I had been so distracted by the cookies.

I shook my head "Do you want me to sleep on the bed with you? If it makes you more comfortable I can maybe put a pillow barrier in between" he suggested.

I decided that having him in the bed with me was way better than sleeping alone. Alpha Sam gave me a sort of comfort that I haven't felt since I was little and with my parents.

I nodded my head and started to place pillows in the middle of the bed. Alpha Sam joined to help.

He then plopped himself down on the bed and covered himself up with the covers.

I sighed and cuddle up to the blanket. Soon enough I felt my eyelids getting heavy.


I woke up to the feeling of my pillow moving under me. I never knew that moving pillows existed.

I'm sure my pillow wasn't this squishy though. I decided to pat my hand around my pillow. But when my hand hit something that definitely wasn't a pillow I immediately stopped.

I slowly lifted my head up. I immediately stopped when I noticed that my head was leaning against Alpha Sam's chest. Well, his rather squishy chest.

I quickly got up and off his chest then crawled over to the other side of the bed. I hid my face in embarrassment.

"Princess, you don't have to feel embarrassed about touching me, I'm all yours baby" He said sitting up from his position on the bed. "Why don't we go down to get breakfast, I'm pretty sure there's another packet of cookies there" I immediately jumped out of the bed but landed on the floor due to not being accustomed to having the big fat thing on my leg. Alpha Sam quickly helped me up and carried me out of the room and down a set of stairs.

As we got closer to the bottom of the stairs I started to hear people talking loudly, I immediately hid my head in the crook of Alpha Sam's neck. I don't like huge crowds of people and it sounds like a lot of people are down there.

"What's wrong?" He asked immediately noticing my discomfort.

I didn't have my notepad thing, so I just pointed in the direction where I hear the people talking.

"Is it the people?" He asked. I nodded my head "Do you want me to get you the cookies instead?" He offered as he stopped walking down the stairs. I nodded my head again.

He turned around and walked back up the stairs "I'll be back soon" He said as he placed me back on the bed.


Hope you like

BTW if anyone can make a cover it would mean the world to me :)))))

My Unexpected Mate (GxG)*EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now