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It was the day of Carlos' party and everyone was running around everywhere setting stuff up. I didn't do much since I couldn't. I stuck next to Alpha Sam as she was helping plan stuff and greeting the new pack members.

I think Carlos was with his friends for the whole day yesterday making it easier to plan and set up the party.

Alpha Sam had asked that I got a wheelchair to make it easier for me to move around by myself. I sat staring at everyone until I heard someone shout my name. I turned in the direction of the voice and saw Carlos walking up to me with two smallish people, a boy and a girl, walking behind him. The boy was slightly taller, but they were both still small, he also had his arm wrapped protectively around her waist.

"Robert, Isabelle this is Sam's mate, Eclipse" Carlos introduced me turning to look at his friends. I smiled shyly at them.

"Hey" The girl waved at me shyly while Robert just nodded his head before looking around the room and tightening his grip on Isabelle. I waved back at the girl. She seemed nice.

"Eclipse, these are my friends, they are both mates, so you can imagine how that is for me" Carlos groaned while looking at his two friends with a glare. The girl laughed and pulled herself closer to the boy. Carlos' lips turned into a smile as he laughed along with his friends.

"You can't blame us" She said with a smile. The boy nodded along with his mate, smiling with her before wiping the smile off his face and resuming to look around. Presumably for a threat?

I giggled at them before I suddenly stop after spotting someone on the other side of the room, it was the scary guy that caught me at the start and hurt my leg. I wave goodbye to Robert, Isabelle and Carlos before wheeling myself over to where Alpha Sam was sitting down on a chair, talking to a few people.

Once I reached her I quickly hid behind her sitting figure. Alpha Sam immediately stopped talking to look back at me with a frown on her face "What's wrong, Princess?" She asked me.

I pointed over at the scary man who was now sitting down on a chair while looking around, he immediately stopped once his eyes landed on me and Alpha Sam. He stood up and started walking toward us.

Alpha Sam stood up as well once she noticed that he was coming over to us "What do you want Michael?" Alpha Sam asked, her frown intensifying.

"I just wanted to apologies for the way I treated Luna Eclipse when I first met her" He said looking down at the ground knowing not to look into Alpha Sam's eyes.

"Say what you need to say and walk away, I can't trust you around Eclipse yet" Alpha Sam said keeping a strong stance as she stood in front of me. I felt extremely safe with Alpha Sam in front of me, I knew that Michael wouldn't be able to do anything with her protecting me.

"Okay" He nodded before tuning to look at my hidden figure "I'm sorry for how I treated you when I first met you, I didn't know who you were I just thought you were a rogue, so yeah, I'm sorry. I understand completely if you feel scared of me, I don't blame you. But at the end of the day you must understand that I was just doing my job" I sighed out and looked down at my hands, I'm not comfortable with making eye contact with him yet, with anyone really. I do understand that he was just doing his job. As the Beta of the pack, he was there to protect the pack along with the alpha.

Alpha Sam turned to look at me as the scary man left "The party is almost starting, are you okay with staying down here or would you rather go up?" She asked me to which I shook my head to. I might head up later if I feel like there are too many people here but so far everything is okay. Plus, I have never been to a party before. At my old pack I was never invited to parties, I was always made to stay in the pack basement while they partied up the stairs.

Soon enough the place was filled up with a lot of people, music had also started to play in the background. I stuck beside Alpha Sam the entire time as we both sat and watched everything happen around us. I was curious to see what people did at parties. So far, all people are doing is talking, dancing, eating and drinking.

"Do you want some food?" Alpha Sam said suddenly turning to look at me. I nodded my head shyly. Over these past couple of days of me being here my appetite has grown quite a lot.

Alpha Sam gets up and walked over to the food table, I watch her as she picks out food until I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Hey, are you new here?" I turn to see a tall blonde-haired girl standing over me, she was wearing a very revealing and tight dress. I nodded my head in response before looking back at Alpha Sam. This girl gives me a bad vibe. "My names Holly" She added on while taking Alpha Sam's seat next to me.

I looked at her briefly before turning to look at Alpha Sam again hoping that she'll feel my eyes on her, so she can come back quickly.

"I see that you're looking at Sammy over there" She told me suddenly making me turn to look at her quickly. What did she just call Alpha Sam?

"Since you're new, I'll let you off, but next time, keep your eyes off her, she's mine" She gritted out before walking away to a group of girls who all wore the same equally revealing and equally tight clothes as Holly. I stared at her in confusion, what does she mean Alpha Sam is hers? Are they together or something?

Soon enough Alpha Sam walked over to me with a plate of food in her hands "What did Holly say to you?" She asked while glaring over in the direction Holly and her friends were standing and talking. I just shrugged my shoulders in response, not wanting to start any drama.

Alpha Sam raised her eyebrow at me before just sighing and holding out the plate for me to eat off of. I smiled shyly at her and took a sandwich off the plate while she took something for herself.

After another half hour of the party I started to get tired since it started late already. I couldn't exactly ask Alpha Sam if we could go since I forgot to bring the notebook down here with me, so I continued to sit and watch everyone dance although I could feel my eyelids start to get heavy.

Alpha Sam

I looked around the party until my eyes met Carlos' dancing figure. I'm pretty sure he's doing the chicken dance. I didn't exactly like dancing and now that Eclipse was here with me, I had an excuse to not go up and dance, since she is in her wheelchair. I'll just let Carlos make a fool of himself.

I looked over at where she sat right beside me to see her eyelids closing. Shoot! I should have noticed that she was getting tired.

Yeah, you should have I heard my wolf, Danver tell me.

Shut up Danver I tell him. Danver can get really annoying sometimes. The only reason I think I was born with a male wolf is because of my male part, which is not too rare since I'm a female Alpha.

I stand up and wheel Eclipse up to our room, except for carrying her up the stairs, and laid her down on the bed. She is fully asleep by now and I couldn't help but stare at her in awe. I have the most beautiful mate in the world, she was so cute and innocent.

I took her shoes off then pulled the covers over her body. I'm not going to change her clothes for her while she's asleep because I know that she wouldn't want me to, I want her to feel as comfortable as possible around me and to achieve that we must take baby steps.

I kiss her forehead before changing into my pyjamas and laying down onto the couch in my room. I have to admit, sleeping on the sofa was sore and uncomfortable but I'll do anything for Eclipse and if that means sleeping on an uncomfortable to make her comfortable then I'll do it without any hesitations.

Hope you guys likes, sorry for any mistakes

Happy late new years!

My Unexpected Mate (GxG)*EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now