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I woke up groggy and disorientated with a strong pain on the side of my head. I tried to move my hands over to comfort my head but found that I couldn't. I looked down at my hands in alarm and found that I was strapped onto a chair with my arms bound to the arm rest and my legs to the chair legs.

I snapped my head up and looked around the room that I was in. It was dark, I could only make out the outline of some furniture.

I looked back down at my hands and tugged against the ropes but stopped when a numbing pain went through my wrist. There must have been something harmful to werewolves laced into the rope. Like silver. I had heard of silver being used to torture rogues in my old pack, I was lucky enough to not have experienced the effects of silver. Well, until now, I guess.

I tried moving my legs out of the restraints but hissed in pain. Yup, that had silver in it too. I turned my head up when I heard a pair of approaching footsteps.

Light flooded into the room as the door was opened. I closed my eyes as they weren't used to the bright light.

"Good, you're awake" I heard a familiar voice say. Once my eyes had completely adjusted, I looked up at the owner of the voice and almost chocked on my own spit. Holly?

"Don't look too surprised" She rolled her eyes at me before taking a seat on the chair that I hadn't noticed was position in front of mine.

"Don't worry, we will explain everything soon. I'm only here because I want Alpha Sam and to be Luna. Not because of all this revenge shit." She explained. I gave her a confused look. Who else is in on this? What revenge?

"Like I said, we will explain everything to you soon. We are just waiting for someone to arrive" She stood up after that and walked to the door before turning back around to look at me one more time. Her eyes roamed over my body, looking at the position I am currently in, tied to a chair, and she smirked.

"And don't worry, Ill look after Sam while you're gone" With that she shut the door.

I almost broke down in tears. What have I even done.

Alpha Sam

I walked back through the front door of my house after my run. I just had to get my thoughts together before I accused anyone of anything. I trust Eclipse, Jaxon, not so much.

My heart sank as I walked into my room and found that Eclipse and all her stuff were absent from my room.

I rushed out of my room and ran over to her old room. Maybe she had thought that I was really angry with her and didn't want to see her ever again.

Once I reached her door I knocked before opening the door slowly. "Eclipse, I'm sorry for the way I acted. I didn't even let you ex-" I stopped speaking when I noticed Eclipse's clothes all sprawled out of the floor of the room and no sight of Eclipse. Where could she be?

I quickly walked out of her room and flew down the stairs, almost tripping on a few stairs but I got to the kitchen alive.

"Do you know where Eclipse is?" I asked both Carlos and Sofia. They both stopped eating their food and looked up at me. They must have seen the frantic look on my face as they both instantly got worried.

"No why? What's wrong?" They both asked, standing up from their seats by the kitchen counter.

"We had a fall out earlier and I left for a run and I've just came back and I can't find her" I explained in a rushed voice.

"Have you tried tracking her scent?" Sofia asked. I shook my head. I hadn't thought about that. I smelt around the house for a trace of her scent.

"I'm only getting a light scent coming from her older room and that's it" I ran my hands through my hair. Where could she be?

Your Luna has gone missing. I need warriors to help track her down. I mind linked my pack warriors. I got a reply instantly from my head warrior.

We will sort something out Alpha. Anything to find our Luna. He responded.

Meet me in the pack meeting room in 5 minutes. I told him before quickly heading up to my room. I got changed and headed off to the pack meeting room.

Five minutes later and I met Jason in the meeting room.

"Thanks for meeting at such short notice" I told him once I sat down in one of the chairs.

"Anything for you and the Luna" He said sitting down on the chairs next to mine.

"I want you to gather a few of your warriors and help me search for Eclipse. I don't know where she is so it could be on just the outskirts of the pack or further" I explained to him. He nodded before heading off to gather a few of his warriors and prepare.

I'm coming for you Eclipse.


Just as I had drifted off to sleep on this uncomfortable chair, honestly I have no idea how I did it, I was awoken by the door opening.

I stared at Rita's approaching figure as she forcefully closed the door and walked over to me. A sudden feeling of hope coursed through me until I saw the scowl on her face.

Oh yeah, frick stick, she was the one that brought me here.

"You know what I really don't like Eclipse?" Rita said as the sat down on the chair in front of me as Holly did before. I shook my head in response to her question.

She chuckled menacingly "People acting as if they are innocent, when they aren't. But Eclipse, you are the worst of all. You don't even speak, that is taking it to a whole new level. You can't ignore what your parents did to mine forever."

I gave her a confused look. I didn't have a scooby as to what she was talking about. What the heck did my parents do to hers?

"I bet all that shit about your pack abusing you was lies just to get our sympathy" She almost shouted through gritted teeth. I quickly shook my head. Why would I lie about something like that?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when her hand came in contact and a slap sound resonated through the room. My head was thrown to the side on impact.

The door was opened again and I heard a familiar male voice. "Rita, baby, that's enough okay. She had nothing to do with it and your parents were kind of trying to take over the pack so-" He was cut off by Rita screaming at him.

"Jaxon, are you on my side or not? I thought we were mates." She exclaimed. I quickly looked up and right enough, there stood Jaxon, holding Rita's hands.

What the hell have I been brought into?

You guys are legitness, 354K that is insane. Thank you everyone that takes time out of their day to read my book. And thanks for being so patient, yeah I know Im slow but Im working on it.

Sorry for the pov changes in this chapter, but it was needed.

My Unexpected Mate (GxG)*EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now