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Alpha Sam

I looked into her eyes as I said those three words, wanting her to know that I meant it completely. I leant down and kissed her lips gently.

I pulled back and looked into her eyes "I'll try to keep my feelings more on the down low" She smiled and pulled me in for a hug. I rested my head on her shoulder.

"I think we should probably leave the bathroom, its not the nicest place to be" Eclipse giggled and shook her head. I grabbed a hold of her hand and unlocked the bathroom door. We both happily walked back to the table where everyone else was sitting.

"Is everything alright" Carlos asked, giving Eclipse a worried look. Eclipse nodded her head and sat back down in her seat in between Jaxon and me.

I noticed Jaxon didn't say much when we came back which I am grateful for, I was still a bit on edge with him.


A few days had passed since we had all gone to that pizzeria and things are still tense between Sam and Jaxon. I don't understand why Sam still doesn't like Jaxon. He has respected Sam but she still doesn't like him.

I had just woken up and found that Sam wasn't next to me on the bed. I get out of bed thinking that she must be in the kitchen or something. I hop into the shower and take my time washing my body and hair because frankly I was sweating last night and lets just say that the smell is as pleasing as out of date cookies.

Once I'm done in the shower I towel dry my hair and head downstairs in a hunt for Sam. First place on the list to look is the kitchen. I could faintly make out the sound of Sam's voice in the kitchen, who is she talking to?

I peer round the edge of the kitchen frame and see her face to face and holding hands with another woman. I feel a sudden pang in my chest making me grab onto it in a way to try and sooth the pain. I watched as they spoke quietly to each other before they hugged. I couldn't take anymore so I quickly made a 180 turn and ran away.

I wasn't able to get too far because two steps later I bumped right into Jaxon.

"Oh sorry Eclipse, are you alright?" He asked but I quickly ran past him. I heard him call after me but I ignored him, too upset to stay back and communicate.

How could Alpha Sam do this to me? I thought mates meant that it was only the two of you and that you were meant for only each other.

Once I got into my room I closed the door and ran into the bed, pulling the covers over me. I felt a few tears fall from my eyes.

I heard a knock come from the door before the door was opened. Jaxon poked his head through the gap of the door. "Can I come in?" He asked. I contemplated it, wondering if Alpha Sam would like the fact that Jaxon was in her room. I let the thought slide and I nodded my head.

He walked in and closed the door behind him. "Are you alright?" He stood awkwardly by the door, not knowing what to do.

I wiped the tears away from my eyes and patted the space on the bed next to me. He smiled and walked over to the bed plonking himself down on top of the covers. I smiled at him. I appreciate that he is here.

"So, what's wrong?" He asked while pushing his body up to sit against the headboard of the bed. I grabbed the paper that was on my side of the bed.


He read what I wrote and shook his head.

"Yeah right, you aren't crying for nothing so tell me. You can trust me" He spoke sincerely. I looked at him for a few seconds before sighing and nodding. Something about him made me just cave in, I thinking it was the puppy dog look he gave me.

I saw Sam with a woman. Holding hands.

I showed him the paper and he frowned. "I'm sure it meant nothing" He reassured me. I didn't know whether to believe him but I nodded my head anyway.

He opened up his arms for a hug. I clambered out of the covers and wrapped my arms around him. I needed emotional support and he was here so why not? Hugs are nice anyway.

In order to hug him properly I had to rest my legs on either side of his lap. We hugged for a few seconds before I pulled away, sitting back on his lap.

"You alright now?" He asked. Just before I could grab my notebook the bedroom door was pushed open.

Alpha Sam walked in with the woman from the kitchen.

"Eclipse?" She asked while moving her eyes between me and Jaxon before moving to look at the position that we were currently in. I look of hurt crossed her face before anger.

"Get out" She sounded angry so I quickly got off of Jaxon and started heading for the door. "Not you" She stopped me before I could reach the door.

Jaxon smiled at me before walking out of the room.

"I come up here to introduce you to my cousin and you're up here doing fuck knows with him" She almost shouted, staring down angrily at me. I looked over at her cousin before looking down at my feet.

I went to go grab my notebook but she held up her hand. "I'm sorry but I need some air. Let's see if you can think of an excuse to explain what I just saw" With that she was out the door, with her cousin at her heels.

I slid my back down the wall. How could I be so stupid as to jump to a conclusion. Of course Alpha Sam wouldn't do anything like that to me. Then I had to go and screw it all up.

I left a note for Sam for when she came back into the room. I decided that the best thing to do is go sleep in another room away from Sam for a few days to give her some time to think.

I poked my head around the door frame, trying to keep a hold of some of my clothes, to check if the halls were clear.

As expected they were deserted. I speed walked over to the room that I was sleeping in when I first got here.

I stopped in front of the door and tried to turn the door nob, but failing to with the amount of clothes in my hand.

"Here let me help you with that" I turned my head round and found Rita standing behind me. I smiled appreciatively at her and handed my clothes over to her.

I turned back around and opened the door before everything went dark.

I'm dedicating a small bit down here for people to ask questions about;


the book,

 if you have any characters you want to ask stuff too.

I will try and answer them all. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE PEEPS.

This one is a bit shorter and I am so sorry for the slow updates, i have accepted that I am just not the best at updating.

Feel free to message me on direct message, pop a wee message in my inbox. I am free for life advice be it school, relationship legit anything. Can't promise that Im good at giving advice but I have been told that I am a good listener.

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