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What does he mean by mate? Does he mean friends? Cause we only met like ten seconds ago.

The Alpha slowly walked over to me. I still couldn't see his face It was hidden very well behind his huge hood. He was very tall though, he would still be towering over me even if I stood up.

When he reached me, he slowly bent down to my height and reached his hand out to touch my cheek. I gasp lightly when I felt sparks erupt from my cheek.

He slowly snaked one of his arms under my legs then the other behind my back and lifted me off the small mattress. I didn't struggle because I knew it would have been useless. Hopefully he takes me to eat some cookies cause after smelling them earlier I'm starting to crave them. In fact, he kind of smells like cookies, maybe he was the one making them?

"A-alpha. She's your mate?" The Beta asked. He sounded scared. What does he mean by mate?

"Yes, she's my mate" The Alpha didn't move his eyes from my face but when he did he immediately saw me holding my leg in pain "What happened to her leg?" He growled out making me whimper slightly. I don't like the Alpha voices, they're scary. He probably just needs to eat some cookies or something.

"She...Well...uh..." The Beta couldn't get his words out.

"Save it. I'll deal with you later" The Alpha growled out again before carrying me out of the dungeon. I didn't exactly know what to do at this moment. I feared this Alpha but being with him gave me a sense of comfort, something I haven't felt since I was very little. I just want to snuggle into him all day.

"I'm going to take you to the pack doctor, so she can check your leg, is that okay with you?" He asked me as we approached a huge house.

I nodded my head shyly. I don't really like doctors, they're scary people.

Once we finally reached the house he immediately carried me up a set of stairs. A few people were in the room we passed, they all watched as he carried me through. He was very careful while walking, trying not to hit my leg against anything which I'm grateful for since my leg hurts like a butt cheek on a stick.

We finally reached a huge door, above the door I think it said infirmary but I'm not sure since I haven't read in so many years.

The Alpha slammed the door open making me flinch slightly in his arms.

"What's wrong Alpha?" The doctor said as she stood up from her chair and walked over to us.

"I think her leg's broken" He said placing me down on one of the beds in the large room "And for some reason she's not healing"

"Sweetie can you move your leg at all" The doctor asked me. I tried to move my leg only resulting in my leg hurting even more than before. I shook my head no and let a few tears slide down my cheek at the pain.

The Alpha got down to my level and slowly wiped away the tears with his soft thumb "Don't cry baby girl, your leg will get better soon" He soothed.

"Is there any pain reliever here for her?" He asked urgently looking over at the Doctor frantically.

"I don't know if they'll be too strong for her, she hasn't healed yet and that could mean she has similar traits to a human. It could either put her in a coma or kill her" The doctor said with a worried expression on her face. I don't want to die.

"Okay, just put the cast on her and I'll take her up to my room to rest" The Alpha said before dragging a chair over next to my bed and grabbing my hand lightly. I pulled my hand out of his grip and held it up to my chest. I still don't trust this guy yet. and he scares me. I couldn't see his face, but I knew that he wasn't happy that i had pulled my hand away.

My Unexpected Mate (GxG)*EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now