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I want to remind you guys that Sam has a peepee (ya know), not sure how many will remember this, but it is there, and it will be used in this chapter. Sorry lads.

*Content Warning*

*Sexual Content*

Alpha Sam

Once I heard the shower water start running, I quickly got to undressing. I had bought myself something special to wear for this occasion just waiting for me to wear at the very back of my closet. This was the first time I had ever wore lingerie but looking at myself in the mirror I nodded in approval. I got it. It was slightly uncomfortable down there, you know, but I still got this.

I sat on the bed and waited for Eclipse to finish her shower and come through. My heart was beating way too fast to be healthy. We might not even go all the way and that's fine, but any moment spent like this with Eclipse was amazing.

Danver paced back and forth in my head. He wanted us to go all the way with Eclipse. Me being intimate with Eclipse was him being intimate with her wolf, and Danver wanted that now. I tried to calm him and myself down a bit because if this was about to go down then I have to be perfect for her. She deserved it.

I heard the water shut off and Eclipse shuffle around the bathroom. She must be getting changed. I busied myself with trying to find a suitable position on the bed for when she came through.

Soon enough I heard the door handle turn and the door was pushed open. Eclipse nervously walked out, I noticed that her hair was still damp from her shower. She reached up and took a piece in her fingers and twiddled with it as her eyes roamed over my body. I could see her cheeks turn slightly red as she looked over my body.

I decided to stand up and slowly walk over to Eclipse. I could hear her heartbeat over mines, it was beating faster than mines.

I lifted my hand up and ran it through the ends of her hair. This was in an attempt to ease both our nerves.

"You look... amazing" She whispered as she looked down at my body. She hesitantly rested her hands on my exposed waist and pulled me closer to her. I liked this confidence that she was getting.

"Eclipse," I whispered. Her eyes moved up to mines. "I want you to know that just because I'm wearing this" I gestured to what I was wearing "doesn't mean that anything has to happen tonight" I wanted her to know that everything was under her control. I felt her hands move from my waist upwards until they rested behind my neck.

"I want you, so, so much" She mumbled before leaning up and capturing our lips together. I let her take control of the kiss. Her lips were amazing and soft, everything you would expect from Eclipse.

She slowly started to push me back until we both hit the bed. She giggled softly against my lips as we both fell onto the covers. We continued to kiss, Eclipse being on the top.

I slowly started to lift Eclipse's shirt while tracing my fingers along her silky skin. She moaned into my mouth before taking her lips off mines and leaning up to take her shirt off. This left her in her bra and trousers.

My eyes trailed along her upper body in delight. She had a few marks from her old Alpha on her, her battle scars that make her who she is today. She is amazing and nothing will change that. She stopped me from looking any longer by connecting our lips again, I didn't argue and continued our kiss. This time though, I placed my hands on her hips bringing her closer down to my body, where I could feel her every movement against my body as if it were my own.

Soon enough I felt her hands trail along my abdomen, her smooth hands running over my skin. I could tell that she wasn't too sure what to do in this situation. I took hold of her hand and trailed it all along my stomach and up to my breasts.

My Unexpected Mate (GxG)*EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now