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"From what I can see at the moment your leg seems to have healed. Let me just get the saw to cut the cast and have a closer look" The doctor told me before stepping into a room connected to her office. Fear immediately washed over me. I was never told anything about a saw.

"Don't worry, it's not an actual saw saw. It's a small one to cut casts" Alpha Sam immediately explained not making me feel better at all. She's saying its not a saw but actually a saw? I know that I haven't been to school for a long time, but I know that that doesn't make sense at all.

"Here it is" The doctor returned, holding a small looking thing with a round blade. "I haven't used this in so long" She told me while sitting down on the chair next to mine. I began to breath heavily as the blade got closer to my leg.

Alpha Sam quickly grabbed a hold of my hand making me look at her. "You'll be fine. You know I won't let anyone hurt you" I tried to make myself focus on her touch. Before I knew it, the doctor was holding my cast in my face.

"See, there was nothing to worry about" Alpha Sam said while grabbing a hold of my cast and waving it about.

The pack doctor told me as she examined my leg properly . It felt weird to feel the air on it. "It healed faster than I had expected which means that you must be eating well. You do look healthier than the last time I saw you" She complemented. I looked over at Alpha Sam and smiled at her feeling happy that I was finally able to get this cast off my leg. I had been itching to scratch my leg in that area.

After talking to the pack doctor a bit longer, me and Alpha Sam were finally able to leave. I had been told to not put too much pressure on my foot and to make sure to rest it for about a week.

"Do you want me to help you down to the living room?" Alpha Sam asked as she wrapped her arm around my waist, offering me some extra support so I wasn't leaning on my foot as much.

I nodded my head and let her help me down the stairs. I wasn't complaining, I enjoyed having Alpha Sam close to me. Safe was a foreign feeling for me until I met Alpha Sam. I do have to admit that I didn't immediately feel safe around her.

"How does lasagne sound?" Alpha Sam asked as me reached the kitchen. I didn't respond as I saw other people inside the kitchen.

"Ah, Rita, just who I wanted to see" Alpha Sam exclaimed as she noticed one of the girls standing in the kitchen. She had long ginger hair that reached just below mid back. She turned around and I, for some reason, felt uneasy. She was really beautiful.

"Hi Alpha" She quickly turned her head and looked at me and smiled widely. To be nice I smiled back before shifting my body closer to Alpha Sam. I wanted Rita to see how close we both were. In a way maybe to tell her to back off.

"Rita, I was wondering if you could tutor Eclipse. She hasn't been able to go to school at all for a really long time and has missed out on spelling?" I watched as Rita's face immediately was took over by a smile.

"Yes, of course" She looked at me before looking over at Alpha Sam and smiling. I never let my agitation show as Alpha Sam spoke some more to Rita about the topic.

As they spoke I let my eyes wander around the kitchen and onto an opened pack of cookies.

They were both too busy speaking to notice me sneak away and over to the cookies. Now that I was able to walk it made it easier to have more freedom around the house. I quietly opened the packet and started eating, staring at Alpha Sam whilst I did so.

About half way through the packet was when Alpha Sam realised I wasn't by her side. Her eyes frantically searched the kitchen until they landed on me. She immediately calmed down and rolled her eyes in amusement. I smiled before setting down the packet of cookies as Alpha Sam walked over to me.

"You scared me half to death there" She told me, bringing her arm around my body effectively letting me rest some of my weight on her and off my legs. I shrugged my shoulders in response before finishing off my cookie.

"By the way, no more cookies, we're going to be eating in an hour and I want you to eat good food. It'll also help your legs heal completely." She explained walking over to me, grabbing the packet of biscuits off the counter next to me and hiding them behind her back.

I tried to reach around her to get at least one more biscuit but she moved her arm further out of my reach. I thought for a second, creating some sort of plan in my head on how to get the biscuits back. Thinking back to how Alpha Sam reacted to our kiss I immediately knew a way to get the biscuits back.

I slowly bring my hand up to her arm and start stroking it slowly. She looked down at my hand for a second before scoffing "This isn't going to work Eclipse".

I only smiled before moving my head closer to hers while moving my hand up her arm and onto her shoulder and neck. I stopped when my face was only a few centimetres away from hers. I could feel her breath fanning against mine and I knew that she could feel mine too.

Her eyes changed to a deeper colour and her shoulders seemed to tense up. I took that as my time to strike. As she was looking down into my eyes I quickly grabbed a hold of the cookies in her hand and shoved one into my mouth before walking away as fast as I possibly could.

I could hear Alpha Sam growl before running after me. She was obviously able to catch me only after a matter of seconds, me still being in recovery mode.

I gulped down the last of the cookie as I was lightly shoved onto the sofa with a body on top of mine. This is most definitely not good.

My Unexpected Mate (GxG)*EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now