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Alpha Sam

I woke up to a loud cough. My head moved off the bed quicker than you could say chicken nuggets. Maybe it was Eclipse finally waking up.

I groaned when I saw that it was only Carlos. He was choking on his water. He never fails to amaze me at his lack of being able to do anything without messing up.

"Jeez, you woke me up" I rested my head back on the bed and closed my eyes.

"You should head back home, get some rest" Carlos said, coming closer to me. "And maybe a shower" He added on swatting his hand in front of his nose and rushing back to his chair on the other side of the room.

I had been here for a week. Just waiting for Eclipse to wake up. I haven't been able to sleep much, this night being a rare night where I was able to. Me and my wolf miss our mate. Yeah, she was here physically but that wasn't enough.

"What if she wakes up?" I ask, I push my head up to look at Carlos. "I don't want to be gone"

"It would be crazy if you left and she woke up while you were gone. And also very unlikely. Just go home, have a shower and rest. Me, Sofia, mum and dad will be here. I'm pretty sure even Isabelle and Robert are coming." I contemplated it for a few second before groaning and standing up. He was right, it would be crazy if Eclipse woke up for the hour that I'll be away.

"Fine, but if anything happens tell me," I walked up to Carlos "and I mean anything" He quickly put his hands up in surrender.

"Yes, sir" I rolled my eyes at him. I cant believe we are related.

I sighed before looking back at Eclipse. "I'll be right back, I promise" I kissed her forehead before looking over at Carlos.

"If I see one hair out of place you're dead meat"

"Wow, calm down. Nothing will happen to her" I took one last look at Eclipse before heading out the door.

Halfway down the hall I ran into Robert and Isabelle.

"Hello Alpha, we haven't seen you in such a long time. Since Carlos's birthday I believe" Isabelle beamed at me. Robert, as usual, tightened his grip on his mate and said nothing.

"Yes, it has been a while" I agreed.

"I'm sorry to hear what happened with the Luna. I hope she wakes up soon" Her face quickly fell as she thought about her Luna. The whole pack atmosphere felt gloomier as everyone felt my pain for their Luna mixed in with their own.

Robert gave me a tight smile as a way of showing his sympathy. "We are just on our way to see the Luna if that's alright Alpha?"

"Yes, of course. I think it will be good for her, being able to hear other peoples voices I mean" The doctor told me that Eclipse may be able to hear us if we speak to her. So, I make sure to speak to her every day, but hearing other people might help her to know that when she comes back, she has people here for her.

"I'll see you guys soon" I waved at Isabelle and Robert before speeding back to the pack house. I wanted to make sure that I was back by Eclipse's side as soon as possible.


Eclipse. Wake up I snapped my eyes open and looked around. I looked to be in a clearing in the middle of a forest. I swear I heard a voice say my name.

Eclipse I heard the voice again, but this time it sounded as if it was in my head. I screamed slightly and tried hitting my head with my hands to get the voice out.

Hey, calm down Eclipse, its just me. Solar I heard the voice in my head again. How was this happening?

I'm your wolf you bean. That's how My wolf? I actually have a wolf. This is insane.

Hello I try speaking in my mind.

Hi, I'm sorry about me kinda being gone for your entire life. You were constantly being beat and you weren't strong enough for me to come through so I had to stay back. She explained. When I didn't shift on my 14th birthday I thought that was it, I thought I was destined to having no wolf.

Don't worry I'm here to stay. Now, what I want to know is what's this bullshit about you not being able to talk? Her tone changed to one of confusion.

What do you mean? I asked.

Why aren't you speaking? You are one of the strongest people I know. You have gone through so much, and you actually let them manipulate you enough that you don't speak? She asked me angrily. I didn't know how to respond, I never thought of myself to be a strong person.

As much as I try I can't I tried making her understand.

That's what you think, but I know you better than you know yourself. You just think that you can't speak but you let them into your head. I considered what she had to say.

But I have tried before and I just can't speak. I explained to her. Nothing is making sense anymore.

Trust me, you just have to make yourself truly believe that you can speak. You still have them at the back of your mind. I want you to storm back in the world, showing off your voice. I nodded in agreement, It was time for me to forget all those people who done me wrong. I'm going to speak down to those who did to me before and crunch my cookies in their face.

All you gotta do is wake up I looked around in confusion. Am I not already awake? Just as I thought that the forest started to fade away. I tried rubbing my eyes, but nothing would stop the forest from fading.

I started hearing voices around me.

"When you wake we will even get you the biggest pack of cookies in the world" I recognised the voice to be Alpha Sam. I could also make out Carlos' voice in the background but couldn't understand what he was saying.

I wasn't too bothered. I was just thinking about the cookies that awaits me.

"Fuck yeah!"

I listen peeps. Way too many people said they wanted her first words after loads of years to be a swear word. I make dreams a reality. Joking, but here you go. Have a nice day.

Look out for the next update coming one week earlier than wattpad on inkitt.

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