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Alpha Sam

I woke up to something moving around on top of my chest. I slowly pealed opened my eyes up and looked down until my eyes stopped on Eclipse's sleeping figure laying on top of me. I couldn't help but smile down at her and kiss her forehead in adoration. She's too cute. She must have woken up during the night and came over to sleep with me.

I slowly moved out from underneath her to get to the bathroom before heading down into the kitchen to prepare her some breakfast.

A few people greeted me on my way into the kitchen.

I started frying some bacon because who doesn't like bacon? And then some eggs.

Once I was finished with breakfast, I put it all on a tray and took it up to her. I opened her door and found her sound asleep, the same way I left her.

"Eclipse, I made you breakfast" I said as I placed the tray down on the sofa, I started to softly shake her awake.

She slowly opened her eyes and yawned out. Her eyes finally met mine and a grin immediately took over her face.

"Hi there, I made you some bacon and eggs" I showed her the tray. Her smile grew if that was even possible. She quickly grabbed her cutlery and started eating it. "I was thinking that today we could maybe go on a walk around the territory?" I offered. I wanted Eclipse to go outside and have fun instead of staying inside and scared of hurting her leg.

Eclipse nodded her head and continued eating her breakfast. I quickly ate my breakfast before going to get changed while she finishes eating.

When I came back Eclipse had already finished her breakfast and was now trying to climb off the sofa. I quickly rushed over to her and helped her out off, I didn't want her to hurt her leg. "I'll take you over to the closet, so you can get changed" I told her before picking her up and taking her over to get changed.

She came out after not too long wearing one of my jumpers and jeans which looked too big for her. I'm going to have to take her to get clothes soon. She then did her business in the bathroom before heading back out and meeting me in her bedroom.

"I'll carry you down the stairs since your wheelchair is down there" I told her before lifting her up. I don't want to just randomly pick her up and scare her. I carried her down the stairs and placed her in her wheelchair.

I wheeled her out of the back door of the house and into the woods "Would you like to go on my back?" I asked after struggling to wheel the wheelchair through the woods. She hesitated before nodding her head.

I knelt in front of her with my back facing her, she hesitantly climbed onto my back. I turned my head to look at her and gave her a big smile which she immediately returned.

I started walking deeper into the forest until I came to a stop in front of a small lake. I noticed that Eclipse had an amazed look on her face as if she had never seen anything as beautiful as this before in her life. This lake is beautiful, the water was clear which resulted in a beautiful reflection of the trees and hills on it.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I asked looking over at her as I sat her down on the grassy floor. She nodded her head; her eyes were glued to our beautiful surroundings while my eyes stayed on her.

We sat in silence for a while before I decided to say something "How long has it been since you last spoke?" I asked, this question might over-step a boundary or two, but I really want to know more about my mate.

Eclipse turned to look at me before looking down at her hands on her lap. I shuffled myself to sit closer to Eclipse, I slowly reached my hand out to take hers as a sense of comfort for her.

She let me take her hand before looking up into my eyes and sighing. She flashed up 2 fives and a three with her hand. She hasn't spoken for thirteen years?

"Wow, that's a long time" I answered staring at her face as she kept her eyes down on her lap. It was the only thing I could think of saying.

Eclipse nodded her head.

"Do you ever want to speak again?" I asked.

Eclipse shrugged her shoulders and began playing with my hands.

"I bet your voice is beautiful" I told her. She blushed, her cheeks turning a deep shade of red.

I decided to end the conversation at that because I could tell that it was an uncomfortable topic for her. I wanted to just enjoy this moment with Eclipse. It felt nice having her hand in mine, feeling her skin with mine, my wolf was going crazy in my head.

We stayed sitting there for a while but when it started to get dark I decided it was best to start getting back to the pack house. "Let's get back home" I told Eclipse as I started to stand up. I stretched my muscles before helping Eclipse up.

I helped her onto my back before heading back towards the pack house. I breathed in the clam forest air and the feel of my mate's arms and legs wrapped around me with her head resting against my shoulder.

I snapped out of my trance when I smelt an unfamiliar smell nearby. It was a nasty smell which made my nose cringe.


How did a rogue get into my territory?

I picked up my pace back to the pack house until I was suddenly stopped by hard force hitting me face on.

Hope you liked this chapter, please comment any suggestions you have and any improvements that you have.

Sorry for any mistakes.

My Unexpected Mate (GxG)*EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now