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I let my head rest against Alpha Sam's shoulder while she walked us back to the pack house.

I loved the lake, it was like a relaxing place where I didn't fear anything. I didn't fear my old pack wanting me back. I didn't fear getting hurt. And I didn't fear letting Alpha Sam in.

I was knocked out of my thought as a sudden force knocked Alpha Sam back, resulting in her crashing on top of me. I let out a small scream of pain as I felt the impact of the ground and Alpha Sam's body on my already delicate body.

Alpha Sam growled loudly as she got up from on top of me and quickly turning into her wolf. The sound of bones cracking filled my ears making me quickly cover them with my hands. Soon enough Alpha Sam was standing over me in her full wolf form.

Her wolf was a beautiful midnight black colour. She was growling at something in front of her.

I peered out from behind her to find scary looking wolf growling as ferociously as Alpha Sam. The wolf had dirty brown fur with patches of dried blood. He wasn't as big as Alpha Sam, but he still towered over me. The wolf started to approach the both of us with slowly, menacing steps. Alpha Sam let out a loud growl as a warning to the approaching wolf.

The wolf ignored Alpha Sam's warning and launched itself at us. Alpha Sam immediately reacted and launched herself forward at the wolf. I watched them as they both fought against each other, snapping their teeth and clawing at each other.

Alpha Sam looked to be winning as she always seemed to have the upper hand. I slowly started to shuffle my way away from the two huge wolves fighting. Every time I moved I felt a stinging pain erupt from where Alpha Sam landed on me.

Soon enough I was crouched behind a tall tree as they continued fighting. I let out small whimpers whenever I saw the other wolf scratch or bite Alpha Sam.

I looked around for anything that could distract the wolf to give Alpha Sam an opportunity to finish the wolf off. My eyes caught sight of a rock, it wasn't too big meaning that I would be able to throw it. I quickly shuffled over to the rock and picked it up before turning back around. I took a deep breathe before channelling all my strength into the throw.

I watched as the rock flew in the air and hit the other wolf bang smack in the eye. I mentally celebrated my capability of actually hitting my target.

The wolfs head snapped in my direction making me quickly stumble backwards. The wolf swiped its claws at Alpha Sam's face, completely knocking her down.

This is the end. I'm officially going to die. The wolf took slow menacing steps towards me causing me to try and shuffle as far backwards as I possible could. Well, that was until my back hit a large tree.

I can't run anywhere because of my leg, not that I could run that much before.

I quickly closed my eyes and braced myself for pain once I saw the wolf lunge at me. But instead of anything I heard a loud thump somewhere beside me.

I snapped my eyes open and turned my head around. Alpha Sam had the other wolf on the floor with her on top of it, her teeth around its neck. She stared at the wolf for a minute before closing her mouth, effectively snapping its neck and killing it.

I stared on in fear as Alpha Sam's head snapped towards me. She slowly walked towards me until she stopped right in front of me, I couldn't move out of fear, well, also because of the tree behind me but that's beside the point.

I stared into her beautiful eyes and felt a sense of calm overtake my body. She then suddenly licked my cheek making me giggle and move my head away.

I slowly brought my hand up and felt her fur. It's so soft, it feels like a fluffy pillow that I just want to cuddle all day. I slowly ran my hands through her fur before resting it on her cheek. I could see a few scratch marks on her skin.

Our moment was suddenly interrupted by loud footsteps hitting the forest floor. I quickly clung onto Alpha Sam in fear, pressing my head against her soft chest. Please don't let it be more scary wolves.

I watched a few big wolves appeared from somewhere in the forest. They all immediately shifted into their human form when they saw Alpha Sam standing over me in a protective stance.

I calmed down slightly when I noticed a few familiar faces of the people in Alpha Sam's pack. I still nevertheless clung onto Alpha Sam, you can't blame me though, her fur is just too soft.

"Alpha, is everything okay now?" One of the men asked. Alpha Sam nodded and pointed over to the dead wolf with her head.

"We'll take care of that now Alpha" I watched as everyone walked over to the dead wolf before turning my gaze to Alpha Sam who was already looking at me. She then suddenly stood up with me still clinging onto her.

She looked down at me before motioning with her head to get onto her back. I immediately complied and got onto Alpha Sam's back. With her help I was able to settle myself onto her back. I leaned down and laid myself onto her back, in an attempt to her as close to her fur as possible. It was also getting kind of cold and it was a good heat source and plus very comfortable.

Alpha Sam

She has no idea what every little touch does to me. The way her hands run over my skin takes my body to a new level of cloud nine.

Her body pressed against my back made my wolf go insane and she has no idea that she was having this effect on me.

Hope everyone liked this chapter. Sorry for any mistakes.

Sorry that not a lot happened hopefully more will happen in the next chapter.

Please comment any suggestions you guys have.


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