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It was about half way through the movie when I saw a figure walk into the kitchen. I didn't think anything of it since I knew that Alpha Sam had a lot of people in her pack.

Soon a loud laugh was heard from the kitchen. Alpha Sam immediately sat up and paused the movie. She started to walk towards the kitchen when a figure walked out, still laughing, holding something in their hand.

"Who wrote this load of crap?" The person I now know to be Holly laughed as she came in with my notepad. "It looks like a five-year-old wrote it" She continued to laugh. I had written my name on the front of the notepad, making it obvious who owned it. She knew that I had wrote it, yet she continued to laugh and make fun of my writing.

Alpha Sam walked over and snatched it out of her hand. Her face showed obvious signs of anger as she breathed in and out heavily. I could imagine smoke coming out of her ears like the cartoons I used to watch as a kid.

"You say one more thing about Eclipse and you're out of the pack" She growled. I could almost imagine steam coming out of her ears. I felt my heart swell at her, it felt nice to have someone finally care about me like she did. I felt completely safe in her presence, something that I haven't felt in a long time.

"Fine" Holly hissed before storming back up the stairs. I watched her leave before looking down at my lap. She was right, it does look like a five-year-old wrote it. It wasn't my fault that the pack never educated me any further after my parent's death.

I felt the sofa dip next to me, but I didn't look up. I still can't get the sound of her laugh out of my head. Not because I liked it, but because it was aimed at me.

I suddenly saw Alpha Sam's hand reach out for me. I let her take mine, her touch always comforts me. I can't help but wonder if everyone thinks of me as some child that has no education.

With that thought I pull my hand out of Alpha Sam's and rest it on my lap.

"Don't listen to her Eclipse" Alpha Sam told me while leaning forward to try to get me to look at her.

"She's just jealous that Sam chose you" Carlos spoke up. I looked up at him and forced a smile before quickly looking back down. Could they all be lying to me right now?

"Look, how about I get someone to help you with your spelling?" Alpha Sam suddenly asked. My eyes immediately shifted over to her. "A teacher" She added on. I contemplated it for a moment, tossing the pros and cons across my mind before slowly nodding my head.

Alpha Sam's smile immediately widened "Great, you won't regret it. I know the best person to teach you" I gave her a small smile before sitting back against the sofa. She took this as a sign to start the movie again.

I let myself relax again. I don't want to think about Holly now, it just makes me feel upset with myself. I can feel Alpha Sam's eyes on me as I continue to watch the movie. It doesn't make me feel uncomfortable but safe. Like I have her watching over me.

Soon enough the movie finished and we all fell into a comfortable silence. Before I knew it, my mind had drifted back to Holly and just everything that had happened. I want to be able to spell properly, I want to be able to talk, I want to be able to stand up for myself. But can I really do all that? It's hard for me after having lived through pain and neglect all my life. It's hard to trust people when all your life you've just been treated as if you didn't matter. I saw something different in Alpha Sam, she showed me trust.

"Why don't I make you one of my favourite Spanish dishes?" Alpha Sam suddenly sat up. "Sit tight, you're going to have the best meal of your life" She quickly headed into the kitchen, not before grabbing a hold of Carlos and dragging him in with her. Leaving me and Sofia along in silence.

"So..." Sofia started, dragging out the 'O'. "Have you been here long?" She asked while shifting slightly in her spot on her sofa.

I shrug my shoulders, not knowing how long I really had been here. Maybe a few days, a week at most. Or maybe even more. All that matters, is that this week has been the best week that I have had in a long time. Alpha Sam has made me feel more safe and secure than I have felt in so long. It brings me back to the memories that I have of my parents, how they made me feel.

"You don't talk much, do you?" Sofia asked, sitting forward slightly as she inspected me. Not in a menacing way, but more curious. She doesn't look like she would hurt a fly.

I shake my head and look down at my hands. Me being unable to talk seems like a recurring subject for everyone here. Does it matter that much?

"That's perfectly fine" Sofia said while nodding her head in understanding. She suddenly leaning in closer "Do you want to know a secret?" She whispered. I nodded my head and leaning in closer.

"I love bananas" She grinned before lifting her foot and showing me her banana socks. I couldn't help but laugh. That was super random.

"We have created a master piece" Came Alpha Sam's voice as she walked into the living room holding a plate in the air with pride. Carlos followed in after her, mimicking her pride. Whatever they just made smells amazing.

"Tortilla De Patatas for the lovely lady" Alpha Sam placed the plate down in front of me before sitting beside me. I felt my mouth water as I looked at the food in front of me. Alpha Sam offered me a knife and fork, urging me to taste it. Carlos did the same and offered some tortilla to Sofia.

"So, do you like it?" Alpha Sam asked as I took a bite. I let out a soft moan as I tasted the tortilla. She has to teach me how to make this because it is amazing. "I'll take that as a yes" Alpha Sam smiled as she watched me eagerly take another bite.

Sorrryyyyy for the long wait but I hope you guys liked it.

Comment what you want for next chapters if you have any suggestions.

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