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"You sick bastard" I heard a tired voice speak. This voice sounded vaguely familiar. It came from a man.

I look in their direction trying to figure out who they are. I notice a man and woman on the floor at the other side of the room. The woman was crying with her hands covering her face, the man held her close to his body. They were both heavily bruised, reminding me of my times at this pack.

"What else do you want from us? Haven't we already been through enough? Now you bring some girl in here and say its our daughter. You said it yourself, you killed her. She's dead," He shouted at my old Alpha. He had a new kind of anger in his eyes. One I have never seen before. One that held heartbreak and sorrow behind it.

"You both killed my mate!" The Alpha snapped, moving his way over to where the couple were. "I've had you locked away for so long to try show you how it felt. All my emotional pain turned into physical pain inflicted upon all three of you. But that has never fully healed my broken heart. But I now know what will"

I noticed the Alpha walk over to me. He took a big chunk of my hair and pulled me up onto my feet. My hands immediately went up to his to ease the pain off my head. I was able to see the man better and saw that it was my father. A gasp left my mouth as I stared at him. He was skinny, too skinny. I looked down at the woman in his arms who still had her hands over her face. That must be my mother.

"Between torturing you and Eclipse. I realised the only way for me to get over my mates death is to take another. A life for a life right? And who better than your daughter? This also gives you both a chance to feel everything"

"No wait stop" The woman finally spoke. She had finally removed her hands from her face and was looking up at us with tear-filled eyes. "Please don't hurt her, she has nothing to do with this"

"You actually believe him?" The man, who I now know to be my father, spoke to my mother in a hushed tone.

"Look at her. She is ours Nero. Our daughter" She started crying again. I felt the grip on my hair tighten as he moved my head to the side where he had access to the side of my neck.

Before the alpha could move his head closer to my neck there was a knock at the door. The alpha groaned before walking towards the door and harshly opening it. I took this as a good time to rush over to my parents.

They opened their arms and embraced me in a hug. I could feel it. I could feel a dormant bond wake up within me. My body knew that these were my parents. My wolf knew.

"Alpha Sam! What a pleasant surprise" I immediately looked up at the door and found Alpha Sam being brought in by five guards with Rita and Holly walking in with smug smiles on their faces.

She had her hood covering her face as she usually did when with strangers and a lot of her pack. She was struggling against the five guards as they dragged her through the door.

Forgetting about the pain on my body and the situation we were in, I quickly lunged for Alpha Sam. I haven't seen her in what felt like ages.

I wasn't able to get close because of a hand grabbing a hold of my arm roughly and pulling me up against their chest.

"Don't touch her" Alpha Sam threatened. She struggled harder against the guards. Everyone could tell that the guards were having trouble holding her back.

"Let's see that angry face behind the hood" The alpha teased before harshly removing Alpha Sam's hood from over her face. The Alpha stared at Alpha Sam in shock.

"How can the most feared Alpha be a girl?" He questioned before bursting into laughter. What's so wrong about a female Alpha? Alpha Sam is just as strong as any other Alpha, maybe even stronger.

"What's so wrong about that?" Alpha Sam questioned. She had a hard look on her face as she continued to struggle against the numerous guards holding her.

"Well, women are weaker. They are more emotional. Your pack will eventually fail as consequence of having a female leader." He spoke confidently, looking down at Alpha Sam with amused eyes.

Alpha Sam didn't reply as more guards came running into the room with a chair identical to the one I was currently sitting on. One guard came in behind him carrying silver chains in his gloved hands.

Alpha Sam was then forced onto the chair and tied down by the silver chains in a similar way to my bindings from earlier.

Once Alpha Sam was settled on her chair the Alpha grabbed my arm and tugged me out of the guard's grip.

"I've heard that you two are both mates" The Alpha looked between me and Alpha Sam before finally resting his eyes on Alpha Sam.

"Honestly, you being here just adds to my enjoyment. I not only get to see you two suffer for what you did" He said looking at my parents "But I also get to see the Alpha of the most feared pack suffer by killing your mate before I take over your pack and kill you three"

"Don't you dare touch her or I swear I'll-" Alpha Sam was cut off.

"You'll what? Can't you see? You can't do anything" The Alpha laughed before shoving me onto the floor again. A loud animalistic growl left Alpha Sam's chest as I screamed out in pain from hitting the floor. I could see her struggle against the silver chains. I wanted to tell her to stop, to stop hurting herself for me but I couldn't get it out.

The Alpha continued his abuse on my body from earlier. Alpha Sam continued to struggle against the silver chains. I could see her skin turn red and raw. But she wouldn't stop. And I couldn't do anything about it. I watched as tears flew down her face, her eyes were mixed with anger and sadness.

Everything suddenly stopped.

Sorry this took so long but a bit of the chapter someone wasn't saved after I wrote it so I had to re-write some of it. Which was ooft.

ALSO, chapter 24 IS OUT NOW on Inkitt. Link is on my profile. All chapter will be published at least a week earlier on inkitt than on here. SO go check that out if you can.

Everyone has been amazing so far. Thanks for following me from wattpad to inkitt.


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