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My voice was incredibly raspy from not using it for years. I was honestly surprised I could even talk. I immediately started coughing after my outburst. What can I say? Cookies are definitely worth it.

I felt a cup being placed into my hand and I quickly chugged it down. Once my coughing had calmed down, I tried opening my eyes. I had to close them right after, the room was way too bright for my eyes.

Once my eyes had finally adjusted to the light, I turned to look around the room and met myself with 7 shocked pairs of eyes.

I waved shyly at them all. They continued to look at me without saying a word, but all of a sudden Sam started crying.

Oh poop sticks, did I do something wrong? I was about to reach out and take her hand but she quickly hugged me.

"I've been waiting so long to hear your voice" She mumbled into my chest. "I didn't expect you to say that, but you spoke and that's amazing and I love you" I hugged her tighter against me before I hissed in pain. I completely forgot why I was in the hospital in the first place.

"I'm sorry, but Im just so happy" Sam gave me a huge smile while lightly grabbing a hold of my hand. I smiled back at her.

I suddenly heard Carlos burst into laughter. "I can't believe your first words were fuck yeah" Everyone else joined in with him except from Alpha Sam. She sat thinking, she had a smile on her face as she stared off into the distance.

"What's the matter?" I croaked out while everyone else continued to joke about my first word after speaking for the first time after around thirteen years. Should I have said something else?

"Nothing. I'm just so overwhelmed and happy. After all the bad things we have went through we deserve this, happiness. You are also able to express yourself in more ways than you could before" She brought me in for a careful hug. I love her hugs, they feel so welcoming and warm. I just want to be in her arms forever.

A sudden thought came to my mind "Where are my parents?" Its hard to believe that I saw my parents. I would almost think that It was a dream. I was told that they were dead, but they look so much like my parents.

"They are just in the room next door, the doctors want to keep an eye on them after all they have been through. Do you want to see them?" Sam asked. I thought for a few seconds before nodding my head. I want to get to the bottom of this. What really happened with my parents?

"Okay, I'll have a doctor bring them through" She mind linked one of the doctors who had my parents brought through only a few minutes later.

While waiting for my parents everyone said goodbye to me and wished me a quick recovery. All stopping by my bed to give me a quick hug. Sam stayed behind with me, asking me every few seconds if I needed anything.

Suddenly the door burst open.

"We are so happy you're okay" They both ran over to me and gave me a hug. They both looked very healthy, their wolves must have helped them heal. I felt tears start to form in my eyes as I hugged them back.

"I thought you guys were dead" I croaked out. My voice was already improving after the few short sentences that I have spoken, making it easier to speak.

"We also thought you were dead. Eclipse, honey, we were all fed lies in that place. The Alpha wanted us to go through what he went through. The loss of a loved one." It took a few seconds to process everything. The Alpha had set this all up. Their 'death', my 'death'. Everything. I couldn't believe what this man had done to us.

"Why?" I asked. Maybe my parents knew what really happened. The meaning behind what this man put us through.

"He thought that we killed his mate" Silence enveloped the room for a few seconds. I looked at my parents confused. I was never told what happened to the old Luna of the pack.

"Nobody in the pack knew what happened. I don't know what was going through that mans head. He was in denial. It sometimes happens after the loss of a mate.

"Who actually killed them?" I asked after processing everything.

"Rita's parents. We tried to tell him but they had already got to him and lied to him, telling him that it was us that killed his mate. We were immediately locked up." Alpha Sam's head shot up.

"We have them locked up at the moment." My parents smiled in relief.

"They were really planning to steal the alphas title. They were all crazy. Me and Iris found out about their plan and tried to stop them but they killed the Luna and took us down. We were in the way of their plan and so was the Luna. Killed two birds with one stone." My dad explained. They had been through a lot. We all have.

"I'm going to see them in the cells tonight if you want to come down with me" Alpha Sam asked my parents. They both thought about it before shaking their heads.

"I don't think we would like to see them at the moment. We would much rather spend time with Eclipse" My dad took a hold of my hand and smiled at me. I smiled back. I missed this.

I don't have many memories of me and my parents and the time we spent together when I was younger before the whole fake death thing happened. So spending more time with them and making new memories would be a wish come true. 

I am very sorry about the long wait. I recently started university and have been finding it really hard to find time in updating the chapter. But here it is peeps.

Make sure to ask me any questions if you have any. 

Next chapter is out already on inkitt, go check it out please and thank you. Link in bio.

My Unexpected Mate (GxG)*EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now