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I had a few days of not doing any work with Rita as she was busy. During those days after lunch times, I sneak away from either Alpha Sam or the guards she had placed with me so I could practise speaking. They obviously knew that I had left but they never knew what I was actually doing.

I was getting more and more frustrated as they days went by. I tried and tried again but no words came out of my mouth.

"What are you doing?" I got so carried away with trying to speak that I hadn't noticed Alpha Sam enter the bathroom. She walked up to me and stood behind me, staring at me through the mirror. I didn't reply by nodding or shaking my head, I just stared up at her. I don't know how much she had seen, there wasn't much to see anyway.

"Are you trying to speak?" She asked, still standing behind me. I didn't know whether to tell her the truth or lie. There was no way of telling how she would react. This could remind her that I can't speak.

I decided to lie and shake my head no.

Alpha Sam gave me a look to say she knew I was lying.

"You can tell me the truth" She insisted while resting her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my waist. I sighed in contentment before finally giving in and nodding me head.

Alpha Sam suddenly let go of me and walked out of the bathroom. I turned around quickly. I knew I shouldn't have told her.

She walked back into the bathroom with a notepad in her hand. I sighed in relief, she wasn't leaving yet.

"Why are you trying to speak?" She handed me the notepad and a pen over. I took them both and froze. How do I explain to my mate that I don't want to be weak anymore? And that I don't want to be the one that brings the pack down because of my weakness?

I hate writing

I looked up at Alpha Sam to see if she believed my lie, surely enough she smiled and laughed.

"I hate writing too. But while you can't speak you're going to have to keep writing." I sighed and nodded my head to keep up the act. I honestly loved writing, it's a good way for me to express myself in a different way.

"Hey look" I felt Alpha Sam's hand lift up my chin, making me look up and into her eyes. I stared up into her caramel eyes.

"I don't care that you can't speak. I only care that you're here with me right now. Yeah, one day I do hope that you speak because I am dying to hear your voice, but I understand that you have to take your time mentally to be able to speak" I took a deep breath and nodded. I want to believe what she's saying but after hearing it from Rita, I'm finding it hard. She's my mate, she's can't not care. As she said before, it's in the mate bond.

"Why don't we go see Carlos and Sofia?" Alpha Sam suggested. I nodded my head in agreement, I hadn't seen Carlos and Sofia in a while.

Alpha Sam mind linked Carlos before dragging me over to where I assume Carlos' room is. We stopped outside of a door near Alpha Sam's room. She knocked loudly making me flinch slightly.

The door was quickly answered by a boy I had never met. He was taller than me and had nice short waxy hair. He smiled at Sam and then at me before letting us in.

"Hi, my name is Jaxon" He stopped me at the door. "I don't believe we've met?" He stuck his hand out and I hesitantly took it. Alpha Sam let out a growl as she saw the interaction between me and Jaxon.

"Sorry Alpha" Jaxon let go of my hand and walked over to Carlos' bed and plopped himself down onto it. Everyone got onto talking about everything and nothing while I just listened. There wasn't much that I could do to contribute to the conversation anyway.

My Unexpected Mate (GxG)*EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now