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Alpha Sam

It has been 2 days of searching for Eclipse and coming back empty handed. We have searched everywhere. We have been allowed entry into all surrounding packs minus one. All pack territories have been clear of Eclipse.

Me and my wolf are getting more agitated and frustrated as the time passed by. We need to know that our mate is okay.

"Alpha" I snapped my head over to Jason "what will we do about the pack that denied us access into their territory?" He asked. I thought for a second.

"We will just have to find a way in. I am going in no matter what. For all I know, my mate could be in there" There was no question about it, I was going in whether they liked it or not. I'm sure they would do the same if their Luna was missing.

"Of course Alpha. I'll get the warriors ready" Jason walked out of my office and shut the door behind him.

I held my hands up to my head, and let a few tears slip down my cheek before quickly wiping them away. I can't be weak at a time like this. Eclipse needs me to be strong.


"No look, Rita, baby. I love you and everything but I just think that this is taking it too far. None of this was her fault." He tried to reason with her.

"No! you listen here. Her parents ruined everything that my parents had been planning. If it wasn't for them then I would be treated the way I deserve to be treated, like a princess. My family would have power over a pack. And eventually over many others as we would conquer and take over all the packs until there were none left. Only us. They would all bow down before us. Before me.." Wow, this woman sure had plans. Well, more like dreams. I rolled my eyes at how delusional she is.

"What are you rolling your eyes at? Huh, you little two-faced bitch" She went to slap me but Jaxon caught her arm.

"What happened to your parents has nothing to do with Eclipse" Jaxon defended me. I sighed in relief once she put her hand down onto her hip.

Rita looked at Jaxon then towards me before stomping out of the room in anger, leaving only me and Jaxon. He had a guilty look on his face while I still had one of disbelief. What's next? Am I going to find out that cookies are actually called cloopies?

"Look, Eclipse. I am really sorry about this, but Rita is my mate. You know how it is. You could do anything for Sam like I would do anything for Rita" I continued to look at him, not knowing what to think about this whole situation. I was probably still in shock from everything at the moment.

What is this about her parents taking over the pack? And how does this have anything to do with mine?

Shortly after that I fell asleep, wanting to forget everything that is happening to me at the moment.

I was suddenly woken up a few hours later from the door slamming open. I looked up in hopes that it was Sam here to get me. But to my dismay it was Rita.

"I have some people here that was to see you" I gave her a confused look before fear overtook my entire body. Behind Rita stood a man I never wanted to ever see again. The man that made me the way I am now. My old Alpha.

I pushed my back as far against my chair as possible, wanting to create as much distance between us. Which obviously didn't work too well.

"Eclipse, it's so good to see you again" He said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He walked up to me and knelt down in front of me.

"What did I tell you when you first left the pack?" He asked. His face held a menacing look. I didn't react, I kept my eyes planted to the floor.

"Look at me when I'm speaking to you!" He raised his voice. I looked into his eyes for the first time in a while out of fear of him hurting me again.

"I told you to never set foot in this pack again. But, here you are" My fear just kept increasing as the seconds walked by. I remember something of this sort when I left the pack. I didn't worry about it, knowing that I was definitely not coming back to this hell hole. But something wrong happened along the way obviously. Because here I am. Back in the grasp of my old Alpha.

"Untie her from the chair" He demanded. Rita quickly walked over to me and started untying my hands from the chair, along with my feet. I was quick to rub my wrists, they were a nasty red colour from being in contact with the rope for too long.

The Alpha grabbed a hold of my hair and pulled me off the chair. I tumbled to the floor, blocking my fall with my arms.

My hair was pulled again, forcing me to look up at the Alpha. I sat myself up on my knees so I was more comfortable. He looked down at me with fury before looking at Rita.

"Have the guards bring Nero and Solar here" Rita looked shocked before nodding her head and walking out of the room.

Those names sounded familiar. Who was he having brought in?.

Once the door shut he turned to look at me. "Now, let me finish what I came here for" I wasn't able to think before I felt a hard blow to the side of my face. I fell back onto the floor. My vision blurred as another blow fell upon my body, this time on my ribs.

He continued throwing kick after kick, effectively bruising my body. When he got tired of using his feet to kick me he just changed to his fists. He then started to pull out his belt to use as a whip but a knock at the door stopped him.

I thanked the cookie lords up above.

I closed my eyes and took this opportunity to breathe properly. I can't tolerate much more of this. I could feel a sharp pain in my ribs and my whole body felt numb. My body wasn't used to his abuse anymore.

"Eclipse look who I have here to see you" The Alphas voice hit my ears in a hateful tone.

I opened my eyes in shock when I heard a woman erupt into tears.

I am so sorry for the long wait AGAIN. Im so bad at this.

Im also sorry for this chapter. I feel like its kinda badly written but its here.

Thanks so much to all my readers. I love all of yous.

Also, who do you guys think Nero and Solar are?

My Unexpected Mate (GxG)*EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now