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Alpha Sam

"Sam!" I jumped as Carlos patted my back. I had woken up early to prepare breakfast for Eclipse.

"Fricking Carlos, don't do that" I grumbled, turning back to continue preparing Eclipse's cookies. Homemade cookies are always the best. "How was your birthday? I haven't seen you since then" I asked.

"It was amazing, thanks for the party sis" He ruffled my hair as he walked past me and over to the fridge, pulling out the milk and pouring it into two bowls.

"Who's the second bowl for?" I asked. Carlos is lazy, so seeing him prepare food for someone else is something new.

"Uh, my mate" He muttered before quickly picking up the two bowls and rushing out of the kitchen. I quickly rush after him, all the way up to his room. I knocked on the door and waited, I don't want to walk in to anything that I don't want to see.

"Urgh, go away Sam" He groaned from the other side of the door. I smirked to myself before opening the door, making sure to cover my eyes with my hands.

"I just want to see your mate" I hold my free hand up in surrender. I didn't need my eyes to know that he was glaring at me. "Can I look though?" I asked.

"Yeah" Carlos grumbled. I slowly removed my hands from my eyes and smiled at my brother's mate. She had long, dark brown hair that reached her hips. Her skin was slightly tan as well, giving her some sort of glow.

"Hey, you're part of the new family that arrived the other day, right?" I asked "The Cruz family?".

"Yeah, my name's Sofia" She quickly stood from the bed and shook my hand, not looking me in the eye. This was obviously out of respect since I was the Alpha.

"Well, it was nice meeting you" I spoke genuinely, causing her to smile. "By the way, if you guys want to join, me and my mate, Eclipse, are having a movie day today, since she's on bed rest for a while." I offered, looking between Carlos and Sofia. I noticed Sofia's face lighten up.

"I would love to" Sofia answered before looking over at Carlos with hopeful eyes as she waited for his reply. Carlos looked between me and Sofia before slumping his shoulders in defeat.

"Fine, only because Sofia's going to be there" He smiled over at Sofia causing her to blush and look down. I noticed Carlos' smile grow as he looked at his mate.

"Okay, I'll leave you guys to do your stuff. Be down in about half an hour" With that I was out of their room and straight into the kitchen to finish off Eclipse's breakfast. I was just sticking the cookies into the oven when I heard someone else walk into the kitchen. I quickly closed the over door and turned around. My eyes caught onto Holly's figure standing by the kitchen counter.

"What do you want Holly?" I asked turning away from her and cleaning the dishes. I honestly wish she just left me alone these days. We only went out for a week a few years ago, I was the one to break it off because I just couldn't stand her. I thought she was nice when I first met her, but she changed instantly when we got into a relationship.

"Just wanted to see what my mate was doing" She said while walking up next to me and batting her eyelashes. I stopped washing the dishes and stared at her before bursting into laughter. She actually thinks she's my mate. When we first got together she always went around telling people that we were mates, and that she was going to be Luna of the pack.

"Holly, we've been over this before. We are not mates" I rolled my eyes at her before turning back around to do the dishes. "Plus, I've found my mate" I added on.

Holly let out a loud huff, clearly irritated by the fact that I had found my mate. "Well-she... She's a fake" She stuttered, not knowing what to say.

"Sure" I muttered. Holly stomped her foot like a child before running out of the kitchen. She can be so immature sometimes, well, all the time.

I finished up the dishes and pulled the cookies out of the oven. I put them all in a plate before heading upstairs. I really hope these cookies are good enough for Eclipse. I feel like she could be a cookie judge in the future, after trying probably almost every cookie in the world, she has high cookie standard.

I knocked on my bedroom door before slowly opening it. My smile widened once I saw Eclipse laying on the bed, hair sprawled everywhere making it looks as if a hurricane had swept through the room and only aimed at her hair.

Eclipse suddenly sat up and stared at the plate in my hands. She must have smelt the cookies or something. "Your nose is improving" I commented. Her being able to smell the cookies in her sleep is a good sign, it shows that her werewolf senses are strengthening.

She looked up at me and nodded her head quickly before looking back at the plate in my hands with anticipation. I chuckled before handing over the plate to Eclipse, not before grabbing myself a cookie. I watched as she munched away happily at the cookies. I'll take this as a sign that they are good.

"I've asked Carlos and his mate to the movie day if that's fine with you?" I asked, sitting myself down on the edge of the bed. Eclipse looked up at me and nodded excitedly. She must have enjoyed my brothers company when she first met him. Eclipse suddenly snatched her notepad off the bedside table, scribbling something down. Once she was finished, she handed it over before continuing to finish off her cookies.

Can I get the nugets?

I looked up at her in confusion. The nuggets?

"Wait, you mean chicken nuggets?" I asked. I remember walking into the kitchen to them eating chicken nuggets. Eclipse nodded her head vigorously.

"Yeah, sure" I chuckle causing her to continue eating her cookies but at a faster rate than before.

Eclipse soon enough finished the cookies I made for her. Eclipse even let me have one, which is rare. She definitely doesn't like sharing her cookies, so for her to give me one is unusual but nice. This is good progress, she's trusting me more, hopefully we'll share more kisses like the one before, but only if she is one-hundred percent comfortable.

"Are you ready to head down?" I asked as she put her finished plate on the bedside table. She nods her head and scoots over to the edge of the bed and starts to stand up. I'm quick to stop her from getting up.

"I'm carrying you downstairs, I don't want you to get hurt" I told her, leaving no room for argument. I am definitely not letting her get hurt again. I scoop her up into my arms carefully making sure not to hurt her. I quickly grab her notepad before going down, just in case she wanted to ask me anything.

Carlos and Sofia were already downstairs when me and Eclipse got there. In a very...heated situation. This is definitely not what I want to see my sixteen-year-old brother doing.

I cleared my throat to get their attention. Sofia was quick to jump off Carlos' lap with two very red cheeks.

"Well then... Let's get this movie day started!"

I'm so sorry for the late updates and stuff. I've been doing my final exams, which require a lot of studying.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR #94 in werewolf. I'm actually triggered. It so surreal to have this book anywhere near the hundreds. Thanks again.

Comment any suggestions. I love to hear them.

My Unexpected Mate (GxG)*EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now