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Alpha Sam

I decide to have a shower instead of waiting for Eclipse to get changed. Showering her was one of the hardest things to do, knowing that she was naked right in front of me and I couldn't see anything, my wolf was screaming at me to take the goggles off so we could see her beautiful body, but I of course didn't let him, Eclipse wouldn't like that. We would lose all the trust that she has in us.

I take off my clothes and pop into the shower letting the warm water hit my bare back. My body immediately relaxed. I remind myself not to stay in the shower too long since Eclipse will be changed in a few minutes. I quickly wash my body then my hair and then quickly hopped out.

I suddenly realise that I had forgot a clean pair of clothes, I can't wear what I was wearing earlier since it's dirty. I'm sure I have some clothes lying around my room, hopefully Eclipse is still getting ready in the closet.

I open the door slightly and peaked into my room I can't see or hear Eclipse anywhere in the room. I take the chance and quickly ran into my room and straight over to where I think I left some clean clothes, all while holding my towel tightly around my body so it didn't fall. I almost screamed with joy when I found clean clothes, but I stopped myself and quickly ran back over to the bathroom, just as I was about to run into bathroom I heard the closet door open.

I knew that Eclipse was looking at me, I could feel her eyes on the back of my head. I decided to turn around since it was no point in going back into the bathroom. She's already seen me "Hey" I said with a slight chuckle. Here goes nothing.


"Hey" I heard the girl say with a slight chuckle. Who is she? and where is Alpha Sam? Last time I checked he was in here waiting for me. Did he just leave me? No, he wouldn't do that, right?

She turned around and I couldn't help but stare at her in awe, she's so pretty. I looked down and realised she was only in a towel. She must have noticed me looking and quickly held the towel up a bit more "I'll just go get changed, just a sec" She quickly ran back into the bathroom and came out a minute later fully clothed in some of Alpha Sam's clothes. Why is she wearing Alpha Sam's clothes?

I tilted my head as a way of asking her who she was, and she luckily understood what I was meaning.

"There is no easy way of saying this" She said walking over to Alpha Sam's bed and sitting down on it with a sigh. Before she continued she looked up at me and patted the space on the bed next to her telling me to come and sit next to her. I sat myself down next to her.

"You know Alpha Sam?" She asked looking at me to see my answer. I nodded my head and waited for her to continue "He's not who you think he is, he's... me" She looked down once she said that.

I continued to look at her with a confused look on my face. I know i might not be the brightest person in the world, but I know what she said doesn't make any sense at all. How can she be Alpha Sam?

"I've been wearing the hood over my face this entire time because I didn't know if you would accept me or not. Nobody outside my pack knows of my true identity, but I'm going to show them that the strongest Alpha in the world is a woman" She looked back over at me "Wait, I'll get you the notebook" She added on before quickly getting up.

She sat back down once she found the notebook and handed it over to me. I quickly started writing. I have so many questions to ask her.

How ar yoo Alfa Sam?

I handed her my notebook, so she could read it.

"My real name is actually Samara, but I prefer Sam, and I just am Alpha Sam, you just didn't actually see me with my hood covering my face" She answered handing me my notebook back.

How do I no yoo r teling the truth? I asked, for all I know she could be lying to me. This could have all been a trick they were playing on me.

"You have to trust me, I don't care how long it takes for you to fully trust me, but I want you to know that you can" She grabbed my hands causing the same familiar sparks to shoot up my arm just like they did with Alpha Sam.

I nodded my head as If telling her I believe her. For some reason I knew that I could trust her.

"So, you don't care that I'm a girl?" She asked me as she stared into my eyes with her brown eyes. Her eyes remind me of chocolate chips they have on the cookies. I love her eyes.

I shook my head and continued to stare into her eyes.

"I have to go take care of something in my office, but I'll be back soon, Is that okay?" She asked standing up and looking down at me.

I nodded but before she could turn around and leave I grabbed her arm and pulled her in for a tight hug. I rested my head against her chest since she was much taller than me. I must have caught her by surprise with the hug, honestly, I surprised myself. I just really wanted to hug her.

"I'll be back soon" She chuckled pulling away from the hug "I promise" She kissed my head then my nose. I let out a giggle as she kissed my nose, it really tickled.

Alpha Sam leaves the room leaving me alone, what should I do? Maybe I can look for some ice cream downstairs? But wait there might be people down there? Also, how am I even going to get down there with this massive cast thing on my leg?

I look over to the crutches that were leaning against the wall, It won't hurt to try. I hobble over to the crutches that I still haven't used since Alpha Sam has insisted on carrying me. I grab a hold of both the handles and start to attempt to use them, it's actually not too hard, so I walk over to the door and open it.

Here goes nothing, I start to head down the long corridor, I remember Alpha Sam taking me down here when I first got here which made everything a lot easier.

"Hey, who are you?"


If anyone is able to make a cover for this book, It would mean the world

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