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I turned around to see a young-looking woman with a man standing behind her, that guy is scary, why are all men here scary? Well except from Carlos.

"Mami" Carlos jumped out of his seat and ran over to his mum, I think, and pulled her in for a massive hug.

"What about me?" I heard his dad say from behind them.

"You'll live" Carlos said not breaking away from the hug with his mother. The dad walked over to Alpha Sam and gave her a side hug.

"How's my little Alpha?" He asked ruffling Alpha Sam's hair. Alpha Sam huffed and swatted her dad's hand away.

"I'm fine" I giggled at Alpha Sam's face making everyone look at me, I immediately looked down in fear, this guy is super scary.

"Who is this?" Their mum asked looking at me "I've never seen her before" She added on.

"This is Eclipse" Alpha Sam said while standing up and walking over to me "My mate" She added on with a huge smile on her face. Wait, I still don't know what a mate is?

Their mum let out a squeal before running over to me and tackling me into a massive hug, I squeaked in fear. I'm not very good with physical touch. Why would she react this way just because I'm Alpha Sam's mate?

"Mum, you're scaring her" Alpha Sam said to her mum while pealing her off me.

"Oh, sorry honey, I'm a hugger" Their mum said pulling away. I noticed that she had an accent, someone in my old pack had that accent so I know that she's Hispanic "Now, why is it that I only found out about Eclipse now?" She said turning to look at Alpha Sam, more like glare at her.

Alpha Sam audibly gulped before giving her mum a shy smile "Because uh..." Her mum looked at her with this look that I couldn't determine but it didn't look good.

"Can you repeat that to me again?" She asked moving closer to Alpha Sam. When Alpha Sam didn't say anything back her mum spoke again "I can't believe you didn't tell me earlier, I'm so happy for you" She squealed before pulling Alpha Sam into a tight hug. I sat and watched their exchange with a confused look on my face. I seriously need someone to explain to me what a mate is.

"Mum stop" Alpha Sam said pushing her mum off her with a red tint on her face as she looked over at me just in time to see me yawn "It's getting kind of late, I think me, and Eclipse are just going to go up to bed now" Alpha Sam said changing her face to a serious one.

"Okay baby" Her mum said bringing Alpha Sam back in for another hug, once she pulled away she turned to me "Bye Honey, I'll see you tomorrow" She pulled me in for a soft hug. I smiled at her before hopping off the stool and grabbing a hold of my crutches.

"No, Eclipse let me carry you up the stairs" Alpha Sam said taking my crutches off me and handing them over to Carlos. I was too tired to argue so I let Alpha Sam lift me up and carry me up the stairs and into his room.

She took me straight to the bathroom and handed me my toothbrush and then the toothpaste. Once we had both brushed our teeth Alpha Sam went out of the bathroom to let me do my business and came back in when I was finished. She then took me over to her bed and gently placed me down.

I spotted my notebook on the bedside table, so I quickly grabbed it and wrote my question down. I then handed it over to Alpha Sam to let her read it.

Wat is a mate?

She read it out loud before sighing and sitting down next to me "I knew you were going to ask me after hearing me say it earlier" She put her face in her hands before quickly turning to look at me "Well, a mate is a werewolves other half, once a werewolf finds their mate they can't live without them, they are destined to be together...like we are destined to be together" She finished off.

I didn't know what to say to her, I looked down at the notebook, contemplating what to write.

Dose that meen we do wat my mothr and fathr did?

I showed Alpha Sam my notebook.

"Did your mother and father both hold hands?" She asked me, I nodded my head. I don't remember much about my parents, but I do know that they loved each other.

"Did they hug a lot?" I nodded my head.

"Did they kiss?" I nodded my head remembering all the times as a kid I would catch them kissing.

"And did they love each other?" She asked, I nodded my head.

"Then yes, we are like your parents except we are just starting, if that's what you want of course?" Alpha Sam asked me with a concerned expression, I could tell that she didn't want to force me into anything.

I nodded my head slowly making Alpha Sam grin.

"Don't worry, I'll take it slow, first of all, I need you to trust me. Then we need to get you into a better eating habit" She told me. I nodded my head in agreement.

"Okay, if that's settled then let's get to sleep, we've got a lot of planning to do since it's Carlos' birthday the next day" She said moving so she could get inside the covers while helping me inside as well.

"Good night Eclipse" She softly muttered. I couldn't say anything back, so I moved so my head was resting in the crook of her neck.

I'm starting to think Alpha Sam may be as nice as cookies.

Hope you guys like it

Sorry for the late updates and stuff, I've just been really busy with studying.

Also sorry for any mistakes

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