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I stop in my tracks and slowly turn around. In front of me stood a smiling teenage boy that looked to be about 16 years old.

"Hey, my names Carlos, Alpha Sam's brother, what's your name?" He spoke reaching his hand out for me to shake. I took his hand in mine before quickly removing it, I'm not a big fan of physical touch.

"Wait, are you Eclipse?" Carlos asked me his smile even bigger than before. I nodded my head in response and looked down.

"Cool, do you want to get something to eat, I was just heading down there myself" Carlos offered me, pointing in the direction I was heading. I nodded my head again and let him lead the way. We both walked in silence until we reached the kitchen, luckily there weren't any people down here.

"What do you want? I'm just making myself some chicken nuggets" He asked opening the freezer and pulling out a frozen bag.

Wait, what are chicken Nuggets? I was only ever given basic things to eat after my parents died and I've never heard of chicken nuggets before.

"You know what chicken nuggets are, right?" Carlos asked me while turning the oven on. I shook my head making him widen his eyes "You don't know what chicken nuggets are?" He asked in shock.

I shook my head again making him almost scream "Okay, you're trying chicken Nuggets" He shoved the tray into the over then quickly shut the oven door "They should take around twenty minutes unfortunately, so we have to find something to do in the meantime" He leaned his upper body against the counter in the middle of the kitchen.

I took a seat on one of the seats on the kitchen counter because my arms were getting sore from having to hold the crutches. I looked around for something to write with since I know Carlos will be asking me a lot of questions, he seems like a talkative guy.

I opened a drawer that was conveniently right next to me, in there I found a few sticky notes and a pen.

"So, how is it that you have never ate chicken nuggets before?" Carlos asked me after watching me pull out the sticky notes.

Just havnt

I stuck the sticky note in front of him for him to read.

"I just don't get it, anyway, how is Alpha Sam not down here with you?" Carlos asked passing me the sticky note back over to me.

She dosnt no

He read the note out loud and quickly looked back up at me.

"Alpha Sam won't like that" Carlos said shaking his head "Which makes this more exciting" He added on with a grin.

I was about to ask why it makes it more exciting, but I was interrupted by a loud growl. My eyes immediately widened, and I quickly scrambled off my seat and hobbled behind Carlos, who was laughing hysterically for some reason. Did he not hear the loud scary growl?

The kitchen door was suddenly smacked open, the door hit against the kitchen wall creating a loud bang sound.

"Where's Eclipse?" I peeked over Carlos' shoulder to find Alpha Sam looking around the kitchen with her nose up in the air probably trying to catch my scent, she was breathing heavily.

"Calm your tits, you're scaring her" Carlos said moving out the way so Alpha Sam could see me. I quickly hid myself behind Carlos again, I knew Alpha Sam was going to come and hit me at some point, just like my last Alpha.

The heavy breathing immediately stopped, I buried my head into Carlos' back. I suddenly felt a pair of hands touch my shoulder.

"I'm sorry for scaring you" I heard Alpha Sam say to me, I looked up slightly still keeping my cheek up against Carlos' back "I was just worried about you" She sighed taking her hands off my shoulder to rub her eyes.

Alpha Sam moved back a bit and sat down on one of the kitchen stools "Chicken Nuggets?" She suddenly asked looking at Carlos "Again?" She added on chuckling to herself while shaking her head.

"Yeah, of course, also, Eclipse has never ate Chicken Nuggets before so that's another reason for me to make them" Carlos shrugged his shoulder.

I moved over slightly and sat back down on my stool, my stool was next to Alpha Sam's stool, so I shuffled away from Alpha Sam's. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed her frown slightly, but I decided to ignore it.

"I might as well have some" Alpha Sam sighed leaning her elbows on the counter.

"Fine, but me and Eclipse get first picks" Carlos huffed.

"By the way, we have a new family moving into the pack either tomorrow or the day after that" Alpha Sam suddenly said, "I was wondering if you wanted them to be at your birthday party?"

"Yeah, sure they can come" Carlos shrugged "Everyone is welcome" He added on. Carlos looked up at the clock on the wall and suddenly jumped out of his seat and ran over to the oven "The chicken nuggets are ready" I almost screamed.

I watched him in amusement as he brought the tray of chicken nuggets over to us with a jump in his step. "Wait a few minutes, they're a bit hot" Carlos said placing the tray down on the table.

After a few minutes of just silence, Carlos suddenly reached out and grabbed a chicken nugget "You can eat them now, they aren't too hot" He threw the chicken nugget into his mouth before reaching for another one.

I slowly reached out and took a chicken nugget into my hand, I saw Carlos stop eating and watch me as I brought it up to my mouth.

"What do you think?" He asked me as i munched on the chicken nugget. I gave him a thumbs up making him grin, I could see bits of chicken nugget in his teeth. "I knew you'd like it"

"Of course, you're eating chicken nugget Carlos" I stopped eating once I heard the unfamiliar voice coming from behind me.


Hope you guys liked it, also sorry for any mistakes

Btw, who else is in love with 'Havana' by ma home queen Camila Cabello?

My Unexpected Mate (GxG)*EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now