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Alpha Sam

I quickly erased the image of my brother kissing his mate out of my mind and sat Eclipse down onto the sofa. No other pack members were in the living room because they were either outside or they were up in their rooms. I had warned them all earlier about trying to stay out of the living room and kitchen if they sensed I was down there, just in case Eclipse was there with me. I don't want to scare her. But whenever I'm not there, they are free to do whatever they want.

"I'm going to quickly go into the kitchen to make the chicken nuggets, do you want to come with me?" I asked Eclipse. She looked between me and my brother and his mate with a thoughtful look on her face. She then suddenly turned her head to me and nodded.

"Okay, we'll be back soon" I lifted Eclipse off the sofa before taking her through to the kitchen and placing her on a stool, and her notepad next to her on the counter. Eclipse was getting heavier, which is a good thing. She was so skinny before, which constantly worried me. "Oh, wait a sec" I told Eclipse before popping my head back in the living room.

"No making out while we're gone" I told my brother, who was already back to making out with his mate. He pulled away from Sofia and groaned. I ran back into the kitchen with a smile on my face. Eclipse looked at me with a funny look on her face to which I replied with a chuckle before walking over to the freezer and pulling out the bag of chicken nuggets.

"Sooner or later, you're going to have to start eating proper meals. Something healthy" I told Eclipse as I shoved the chicken nuggets into the oven while turning it on. She shrugged her shoulders while bouncing excitedly in her chair. She is honestly too cute.

I lift Eclipse off her chair and onto the kitchen counter. I stood in between her legs and wrapped my arms around her waist. I rested my head on her neck and breathed in her intoxicating scent. Eclipse wrapped her arms around the back of my neck and giggled.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked, moving back a bit so I could see her face. I didn't want to push her into anything, and if I just go in and kiss her without her consent then I feel like I am giving her no option to back away or say no. She smiled and nodded her head. I smiled and leaned it slowly.

She met my lips halfway in a soft kiss. Her lips felt smooth against mine as they moved together. I didn't want to take it any further, so I pulled away, leaving my face only inches away from hers.

I was suddenly pulled into another kiss by Eclipse making me smile against her lips. This was unexpected, but I wasn't about to turn down a kiss that had been initiated by Eclipse. I ran my hands through her hair before resting them on her cheeks. I pulled away when I heard footsteps approach the kitchen. I quickly walked over to the oven, making it seem as if nothing happened.

"Can you make some popcorn too" Carlos popped his head into the kitchen. I nodded my head not wanting to speak just yet, not sure if my voice would let me. Eclipse ignites this feeling in me, she makes me feel weak but so strong at the same time.

Carlos smirked before heading back into the living room, probably to make out with Sofia. I pulled the chicken nuggets out of the oven and rolled them onto a plate.

I turned around to look at Eclipse to tell her that I was just going to make popcorn. My breathe got caught in my throat as my eyes locked with hers. She was still sat on the counter, hair slightly dishevelled from my hands earlier. I couldn't help but think that she looked absolutely gorgeous, not that she doesn't look gorgeous any other time. It's just now, it kind of hit me full force.

"I j-just have to m-make this" I stammered holding up the bag of popcorn. I quickly turned around and popped the bag into the microwave and turned it on. I almost whacked my forehead at how stupid I just sounded. I can't believe I stuttered, this is what I mean when I say that she makes me feel weak. She almost physically brings me down to my knees. It just proves that I would do anything for her. She has that power over me.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the ding of the microwave. I put all the popcorn in a bowl before placing it on the counter top next to the chicken nuggets. I could almost see drool forming at the side of Eclipse's mouth as she stared at the chicken nuggets.

"I'll go take this through then I'll come get you" I told her, picking up the chicken nuggets and popcorn before taking them through.

As expected Carlos and Sofia were back to kissing on the sofa. I rolled my eyes and placed the food down on the table louder than normal. They both jumped apart and looked over at me. Sofia with a sheepish blush on her cheeks while Carlos looked at me in annoyance.

"Horny teenagers" I muttered under my breath with a smirk, knowing that they could hear me. I walked back into the kitchen and up to my mate. Who was sitting patiently waiting for me to take her through to the living room.

"What type of movie would you like to watch?" I asked as I pulled her into my arms and carried her into the living room. I placed Eclipse down onto the sofa before plopping myself down next to her. I felt her shrug her shoulders before grabbing a chicken nugget off the plate and placing it in her mouth.

"So, what are we going to watch?" Carlos cleared his throat effectively catching my attention.

"How about a comedy?" I suggested looking between Carlos and Sofia before turning to look at Eclipse. I only want to choose something that Eclipse is comfortable with. Everyone agreed on comedy, even Eclipse.

After a while of me and Carlos arguing over a movie we were finally able to settle on Mrs. Doubtfire. I smiled down at Eclipse.

"Is it okay if I put my arm here?" I asked as I moved my arm to rest over her shoulder. Eclipse nodded and slowly rested her head on my shoulder. My smile grew. It was nice to know that Eclipse finds comfort in me at moments like these. I know that it was a small gesture, her putting her head on my shoulder, but it meant the world to me.

Hope you liked this chapter.

Thank you guys so much for 80k!!!!

Tell me how you guys think Eclipse gets her voice, if she ever does...

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