Fighting For Love

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Oh my god, I am sorry I know I feel so late but have you guys heard The Neighbourhood's new song Honest.?!! I am like replaying this song, and I can't believe they are gonna put this song on The Amazing Spiderman 2.!! In the movie theater if the song goes on, just out of random, I am gonna stand up and dance to it, and embarass the crap out of my family and friends. Yeah, I am pretty weird. Lol. Anyways I am gonna put Honest on here so you guys can listen to it, and love it.!! Okay, or else if you don't love it I will go to your house and put up Honset on max and scare the crap out of you. So look in your closet and under your bed, haha jk. But seriously listen to the song I will appreciate it.!! Byee xx

Lana's POV:

I start to dance sing to the lyrics. I feel like I am on my own world, like forgetting whats happening in my life. But I am hearing one annoying voice on back of me. "He won't stop lookng at me." the tall girl says for the millionth time. I am ready to drop kick her ass. Just one more peep out of her and I will explode. "Just ignore her." Tori says yelling over the loud instruments playing, noticing that I am completely pissed off. I sigh and focuse on the song that is now playing. Honest, is playing. "They sound pretty badass live in concert.!!" I say yelling over the music. "I know right.!!" Tori yells back. "They are okay." the tall girl says yelling in my ear. "Shut up, they are amazing, anyways why did you want to come to the concert if you say they are "okay", dumbass." I say bending my fingers like quotes. "And next time, stay out of a goddamn conversation that you weren't even in." I say crossing my arms and turning around. Wow, that was a pretty good burn. I then feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around, and without thinking, fucken annoyed by this bitch, I jump on her. She falls on the ground as I keep punching her. "Lana stop.!!" I hear Tori say. I ignore her and keep punching the tall bitch. I then get punched in the jaw and on the eye and black out.

Jesse's POV:

I keep singing looking around the arena. I then look back at Lana, she looks pissed off. I look away, back at the rest of the arena, then back at her. Afraid ends, as we begin Honest. I then look at her again, now she is in a better mood, smiling a little. I look again to the rest of the arena, and close my eyes. I am feeling less relaxed and more worried, why.? I then open my eyes, still singing, and look down at Lana. She is now on top of someone punching his or her face. I keep singing, as my earphone goes off with a few people yelling and noticing the fight. I have to keep singing. I then look up some people not noticing the fight. I then look down at the fight and see Lana on the floor noticing that she is next to that tall bitch from earlier. I stop singing, and jump off the stage. Security, is holding me back, as others grab Lana and the other girl. "Please, just put the girl with the beanie and her friend backstage.!!" I yell as one security guard hears me. "Is this girl that the guys keep talking about.?" he asks. "Yeah, thats her, just keep her back stage." I say as he nods and tells the other buff men cary Lana and lead her friend backstage. "Hey, what about me.? I was the victim here.!!" the tall girl blurts out. "Fuck you." I yell flipping her off. "Kick her out." I say to the security guards. "You are an asshole, I hope you fucken rot in hell.!!" she yells. "I already am." I say with a smile. I then run back stage with the Bryan, leaving the other guys on stage entertaining the fans. "Is she okay.?" I ask her friend. "She is knocked out by two punches, one on her  eye and another on her jaw. And by the way I am Victoria, but call me Tori." she says. I nod, not keeping my eyes of of Lana. 

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