Neon Lights

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Heyy.!!! I decided to update right now, and put up a few chapters, and they will probably be alittle long. I can't believe it is almost going to be close to 900.!!! I thank you all for that, and please be free to comment and vote on some of my chapters, I would really appreciate it. And I got some good news for you guys. I will be able to update, but for sure I won't on Saturday. My friend said she couldn't go, that sorta made me pissed off because she has done this a few times already, but I need to get over it. I am trying to be nice and a good friend, inviting her places, and she says answers me last minute that she can't, so yeah. Anyways, enjoy the gif on the right side >>>>> sexy motherfuckers, and look what Jesse's pants say. I will try to find more gifs and pictures of  his pants on that day  haha. Well, I hope you enjoy the story so far.!!! Byee xx

Lana's POV:

We keep singing, hours passing. I begin to feel tired, but I want to keep singing and being with Jesse. We finished singing Sting, one of the best songs I love, how Jesse sings on it. It relates so much to me. "Lana.?" Jesse says waking me from my thoughts. "Huh.?" I say looking at his lips. "I asked if I can show you something." he says looking at my lips. "Ohh, yeah. Sure." I say getting up from the floor. I lay the guitar on the couch, not feeling my butt. "Ughh, my ass is numb." I say. "Mine too." Jesse laughs. He then slaps mine, sort of waking it up. I look at him with wide eyes. He is trying so hard not to laugh, as a smile grows on his face. I then slap his. He gives me wide eyes, with a pissed off face. "Hey, you did it to me." I fire. "Well, its different. Girls don't slap a guy's ass." he says. "Well, when people make out, sometimes the girl grabs the guy's ass." I point out. "Ohh, I actually didn't know about that. Well, if you do that to me I would be okay with it." he says shrugging his shoulders. I feel my whole face get heat. What does he mean.? Are we official.? I don't know. "Well, come on. I was going to show you something cool I got." Jesse says grabbing my hand. "It is going to be so sick." he says as we head up the stairs. "What is it.?" I ask curious. We head up the stairs and go to a room. He opens it, turning on the lights. I shut my eyes. "It burns.!!" Jesse says. I open my eyes slightly, feeling tired. I laugh, as he also opens his eyes. He lets go of my hand and walks to a small closet. He walks out, what looks like buckets of paint. "Paint.?" I ask raising an eyebrow. Its neon glow paint." he says. "That's sick.!!" I say snatching one of the buckets of paint. "I have alot more in the closet." he says as I sit down on the ground indie style. I open the bucket, as Jesse turns off the lights. My color is bright pink. Jesse opens his and his color is blue. He then sticks his hand in the paint and runs to the wall. He splats his hand on the wall, and does it again. "You are going to ruin your wall." I say. "Didn't you notice the walls are white.?" he asks. " Nope." I say making the p pop. "Dip your hand in the paint." he says walking to his paint bucket dipping his hand again. I dip it in, feeling the cold pain on my skin. I take it out and walk to the wall where Jesse put his hand prints. He then gently places his hand not moving it. "Now put your hand next to mine." he says. I put it on the wall, feeling his eyes on me. "Now lets see." he says moving his hand away, I do the same. Both of our hands, planted on his wall. He then runs and dips only one finger in my bucket, then runs back to the wall. He makes a heart around our hands. "To not forget." he says cupping my face. I can feel the cold paint on my cheeks. "Can this wash off.?" I ask stupidly. That was mean, I just had to ruin this cute moment. " Umm, yeah." he says lowering his hands. Ugh, nice going Lana. He then walks away, placing the lids on both buckets. "Hey, how many buckets of paint do you have.?" I ask. "Like 20, 30 spray cans, and about 40 bottles of body paint. Why.?" he asks closing the closet door. "We should have a party. Like glow in the dark." I say. "Ohh my god, that would be sick. Yeah. Hell yeah, lets do it.!!" he says. "Like next week." I say. "Yeah." he says.

Jesse's POV:

Why couldn't I have come up with that.? "You can pick the day and time. Do you think you can have it here.?" she asks. "Yeah, I guess." I say. "Ohh.!!! I remember there is this place where my cousin works at, it like this big  place. Most people party there, he says most celebrities party there." she says. "Cool, want to do it there.?" I ask. "If you want. Let people do random shit there and not in your house." she says. "Ohh shit, I forgot." I say slapping my forehead. I feel the wet paint, damn it. Lana bursts in laughter. "Ha ha very funny." I say. I then run my hand over her face. "You asshole.!!" she says. She then slaps her hand on my chest, then my face. I then slap her ass again leaving a glowing hand print on it. "Those are your boxers." she says. I begin to laugh, Lana joining in. We walk out of the room, heading back down to the basement. "Wait, I am sort of hungry." she says. "What do you want to eat.? We finished the whole pizza and lava cakes." I say. "I don't know." she says as we walk to the kitchen. "I don't know either." I say. "Ohh, I know. Grilled cheese sandwiches." she says. "Yeah.!!" I say. We begin to take out the stuff, both of us hungry as fuck.

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