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Hey guys, I sorta miss updating, even though its been three days. lol. Anyways, I will try to update once a day passes, or I will try to update daily. I have also been starting to read more books. So far I have read Carrie, and soon I will start The Wolf Of Wall Street, even though I am not much of a reader. Anyways, enough about my boring life, I hope you enjoy this chapter.!! I will try to update a few more if I can.!!! Byee xx

Lana's POV:

I wonder who's smart idea it was to bring me here. I look and see the medium sized house, I expected it to be bigger. It looks like a regular house. I finally move my eyes to the car door where my brother is in. I open it and see he is gone. "Jesse I think we left my Timmy back at Mcdonalds.!!! But I saw him in the car when we were talking and having are argu-" I say as I look at him. He is caring my little brother, holding on to him carefully. My brother falling asleep, with his arms around his neck. Holy shit. My eyes go wide as my jaw is hanging slightly. "What.? Is there something on my face.?" he says whispering. "No. It's nothing." I say still in shock. "No. Really, what is it.? Is it me caring your little brother.? Cuz I can give him to you if you want." he says walking to me. "No, it's fine. It's nothing." I say. I have only seen it once. Him caring a child. His Instagram shows a picture of him caring a baby with a hoodlum onesie. "Is he heavy for you.?" I ask him as we go up his porch. "No he is fine." he says still in a whisper voice, unlocking his front door. "Ok..." I say under my breath. We enter his house, darkness inside. I turn on my flashlight on my phone to not wake up Timothy. Am I spending the night.? "I will let Timmy sleep on my bed." Jesse whispers. Of couse I am. "No it's fine, just let him sleep on the couch." I whisper back. "You sure.?" he asks as we head upstairs. I nod and walk behind him. "I need to change him in his pajamas, so I can take care of it from here." I whisper. He nods and hands me Timothy. "Just enter my bathroom, and change him there." he says pointing the way. I nod knowing he can't see me. "Thanks." I say as I walk away. I change him in complete darkness. As I begin to take off his pants he wakes up and slaps me. "What are you doing.? Who are you.?" Timothy asks backing away. "Its me your sister, I was just changing you into your pajamas. And oww.!!!" I whisper yell. "Sorry sis. I thought you were this weird pervert." he says taking off his pants. I roll my eyes and hand him his pajama pants, and turn on the flashlight. His pajamas were old fashion cars, they looked pretty cool and sorta familiar. "Cool pjs." I say. "Thanks those where the one Johnny got me for Christmas befor-" he says until I put a finger upon his lips. "Yeah, I remember now. And please don't say a word about Johnny again. I know it's been years, but he still isn't forgotten. Just don't bring him up again, ok.?" I say. He nods, tear almost beginning to fall. I pull him in, hugging him tightly. He sobs loudly in my shoulder. I want to cry, but try to hold it in. After the sobbing got down to a level of sniffling, I let go of him. In seconds his head falls, but I catch him. "Were you falling asleep.?" I ask him. He doesn't respond, only a small hum. He is falling asleep. I get up and walk out of the bathroom. I go to the couch near Jesse's bed. It is set with a couple of blankets and a pillow. I lay Timothy down and take out his stuffed animal. It is Snoppy. I smile and kiss his forehead. "Night buddy." I whisper as I walk out and go find Jesse. 

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