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Hey guys. I am so sorry for not updating. This past month has been hell. I am just being dragged back into depression. I tired to commit suicide yesterday morning, and I sort of did, but survived. By the support from two amazing friends. I swallowed a bunch of pills and right when I felt really dizzy and I couldn't breathe, my friend said to get it out of my system and to not die, that she is here for me. I wish I could hug her, but she lives in Georgia and I live in California so yeah it sucks, but she helped me and was the one that convinced me to not die. My other friend was texting me while I was throwing up the pills, both of them were texting me so yeah. They both were really supportive and I thank them so much. Anyways, I also broke up with my boyfriend because I really didn't want to be in a relationship and I need time on my own, just space to think and try to fix myself. Anyways, have any of you got the mixtape.? I haven't and I really want it, but I am poor so that means I have to go work at Mcdonalds lol. I hope you like this chapter. Also, enjoy Jesse being a sex god, holy shIT I AM HYPERVENTILATING Byee xx

Jesse's POV:

How long are they going to take.? I am so fucking bored and tired of waiting. I get up from the beanbag and head outside. Its still raining, which gives me an idea for a song. I should keep that in mind. I put a cigarette between my lips as I begin to hear thunder. I jump as I grab a match from my pocket. I swipe the match on the tiny rusty part of the box. A spark of fire lights as I put it on the cigarette. I hear the noise of the paper burning as I set out the match. Its such a nice day to be honest. I blow the smoke out from my nose as I see a car pull up. Finally it took them years. "Hey we got the food.!!!" Lana says as she walks up to the door. "Finally it took you fucking years." I say. "Do you want your sandwich or not.?" she says as we all head inside. "Yes." I say as I blow smoke at her face. She closes her eyes as the smoke hits her gentle face. "Alright then, don't act like a baby." she says. "Are we still working on some songs.?" Matt asks. Ohh, I forgot he is here. "Yeah, I came up with the setlist. I also got a call that we will be meeting fans backstage." I say. "Ohh ok." Matt says. We sit back down on the beanbags as Lana's phone rings. "Here you guys can check which sandwich is yours, I'll be back." she says tossing me the bag of sandwiches and tosses Matt the bag of chips. She leaves the room heading down the hallway. I crush my cigarette on the table then look inside the bags. "I know you are a little jealous." Matt says. "What.?" I ask pretending that I didn't hear him. "You got a little jealous because me and Lana get along real well." he says grabbing a bag of chips. "No, what the hell are you thinking.?" I say. He better shut up. "I know you are okay quit the act. She really loves you okay, she told me."  he says taking a bite of his sandwich. I freeze. I know she likes me and I like her too, but how does she love me if she just met me.? I'm sorry, but that's too rushed. But how are we going to meet each other if I still have to go on tour.? I know for sure I won't be able to go on tour with me because of her brother, job, and studies. I'll just ask her in case, I still got a couple days left here so yeah. 

Lana's POV:

I hang up the phone with the administrator of the university. Why do I have to go everyday for studies.? I am an honor student in every class, I don't understand. I know I have to take the important tests, but they didn't explain it too well. I have to quit one of my jobs and hire a babysitter for Timothy. I'm going to live in hell again. I kick the wall in front of me and sigh. Enjoy the time you have right now, think if the complicated later. I put my phone in my pocket and walk back in the room.

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